7 Signs That the Universe is Trying to Get Your Attention blog



Unlocking the Universe's Whisper: 7 Signs That Demand Your Notice

Welcome back to another enlightening episode of Floductivity. Today, we embark on a journey to uncover the enigmatic language of the universe — the signs it sends our way to grab our attention. Amid the hustle of life, it's all too easy to overlook these subtle nudges. As we immerse ourselves in the captivating discussion ahead, remember that the universe is in perpetual conversation with us, whether we realize it or not. This episode serves as a guiding light, revealing the importance of carving out a moment daily to listen to the universe's whispers, both from within and around us. Together, we'll delve into the realm of seven distinct signs that indicate the universe's attempt to make its message heard. So, let's dive in and decode the messages that await our discovery.


Cracking the Code of Synchronicities: 7 Telltale Signs the Universe Is Calling

Exploring the intricate dance of synchronicities, those intriguing moments of serendipity that defy mere chance unveils a fascinating realm of cosmic communication. These remarkable coincidences go beyond the ordinary, encompassing instances like spotting repeating numbers, commonly known as angel numbers, or crossing paths with individuals bearing poignant messages. Whether it's a song that resonates deeply or a chance encounter, the universe's language is intricate, seeking connection. As these meaningful occurrences weave their way into our lives, they often carry an important message — a subtle sign that the universe is attempting to converse with us. Yet, in the whirlwind of our busy lives, these messages can easily slip through our fingers. Thus, cultivating awareness and dedicating even a few seconds daily to tune into our surroundings and inner self becomes a vital practice.

Angel Numbers: Unveiling the Mystique

Within the enchanting world of angel numbers, a phenomenon resonating deeply within households, lies a treasure trove of insight and guidance. Encompassing the spectrum of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9, each angel number paints a unique picture, urging us to decipher its message based on our individual intuition. 1, 1, 1 beckons us to manifest our dreams, take bold risks, and initiate shifts in our lives. 2, 2, 2 signals persistence and growth, encouraging us to persist in our endeavors even when the results are yet to surface. The triple 3 heralds an affirmation from the universe that it's aligning with our desires, ushering in people, opportunities, and resources to propel us forward. Meanwhile, 4, 4, 4 serves as a reminder of divine support, with angels and guides embracing us in comfort during challenging times. The powerful 5, 5, 5 foretells change, a shift towards desired goals, often necessitating the release of elements hindering our progress. 

Balancing Act of Spiritual Numbers

When 6, 6, 6 graces our path, it signifies the need for equilibrium, encouraging us to relinquish overworking and embrace balance for progress. 7, 7, 7 is the universe's invitation to explore spirituality, nudging us to expand our spiritual awareness and introduce new practices into our lives. 8, 8, 8 resonates with abundance, urging us to welcome potential clients, innovative ideas, and creative co-creation into our realm. On the horizon, 9, 9, 9 emerges as a cyclic reminder that endings pave the way for beginnings. As we close chapters, we find ourselves propelled toward fresh starts, liberated from limiting beliefs that obstruct our growth. The rhythmic progression of life becomes evident, urging us to let go of the old and embrace the new, fostering an unwavering faith in the universe's intricate design. 

Unveiling 1, 2, 3, 4: Your Path and Connection with the Universe

In the cosmos of angel numbers, the sequence 1, 2, 3, 4 emerges with special significance. When these digits dance into view, they echo a message of assurance that we're on the right path. This sequence highlights the importance of tenacity, dedication to our goals, and the simple yet profound act of spending quality time with ourselves. Amidst life's chaos, dedicating moments to disconnect from screens and immerse ourselves in solitude becomes a vital practice. Whether it's under the open sky or behind a closed door, these instances of introspection bridge the gap between us and the universe, fostering a profound connection that guides us on our unique journey of growth and self-discovery.

Decoding Repeating Patterns: Universe's Persistent Message

In the continuum of deciphering the universe's signals, the spotlight now turns to the intriguing realm of repeating patterns. If you find yourself entangled in a recurring situation or confronting the same challenge persistently, it might just be the universe's persistent way of capturing your attention. These intricate patterns can emerge across various facets of life, spanning relationships, career trajectories, and even health journeys. When confronted by these recurrent themes, it's essential to pause, reflect, and unravel the underlying message that the cosmos is conveying. In my personal journey, I encountered a series of gastrointestinal issues that echoed a poignant message from the universe. Disregarding my sacral response, a pivotal aspect of my human design, was impacting my well-being. Ignoring this inner call had repercussions that reverberated through my health until I heeded its message. Although not a standalone solution, acknowledging my sacral response catalyzed my journey to holistic health. Similarly, recurring dynamics in relationships prompted a realization that altering my reactions was within my control. By shifting my perspective and response, I dissolved the lingering issue. This empowerment ignited a transformation that echoed far beyond the specific scenario. For those grappling with persistent health challenges or recurrent relationship hurdles, the key lies in examining the patterns and discerning actionable changes. Liberating yourself from the cycle of perpetual struggles can usher in a newfound sense of progress and growth.


Navigating Intuitive Hits: Embracing Cosmic Guidance

Unveiling the enigmatic realm of intuitive hits, the third facet on our exploration, these profound sensations manifest as sudden gut feelings or flashes of insight, seemingly emerging from the depths of the unknown. These intuitive hits serve as beacons, potentially signifying the universe's nudges towards a specific course. Amplifying the significance of tuning into your intuition and fostering trust in your inner voice becomes paramount. In this realm, delving into your human design can yield illuminating insights, shedding light on how your intuition resonates within your unique being. Individuals with a defined spleen exhibit an innate inner knowing, while those with a defined sacral experience gut sensations as their guiding compass. Heart or ego definition, on the other hand, channels intuition through the heart's wisdom. Elevating these innate intuitive connections can forge a profound link with the universe, amplifying your receptivity to its cosmic guidance. Embrace your intuitive hits, for they might just hold the keys to unlocking paths unseen and destinies yet to be explored.


Deciphering Dreams: The Universe's Cryptic Messages

Venturing into the realm of dreams, the next compelling facet to explore, holds the potential for profound revelations from the universe itself. If delving deeper into dreams piques your curiosity, I've dedicated a separate episode to this intriguing subject, with a link conveniently placed in the show notes. Dreams, as a conduit of communication, wield a remarkable power to convey messages from realms beyond our waking reality. It is imperative to heed the recurring motifs or symbols that grace your dreamscape, for they could bear vital significance from your subconscious or even the cosmos. This practice has led me to station a journal at my bedside, an essential tool for jotting down persistent elements that frequent my dreamscape. My own experiences resonate deeply with the potency of dreams as messengers. Engaging with experts in this realm, such as my enlightening conversation with Pam Mueller, who deciphered my recurring dream, has showcased the transformative potential of dream interpretation. Personally, I've been graced with premonitions within my dreams, harnessing their insight to decipher the needs of the moment or the focal points I must address. Although the exact science behind dreams remains a mystery, their undeniable connection to our subconscious holds a promise of profound wisdom. Thus, embracing dreams as conduits for cosmic messages can offer remarkable insights into the intricacies of our existence.


Nature's Whispers: Decoding Signs from the Universe

Coming in at number five, we delve into the captivating realm of signs from nature—a domain that holds a special place in my heart. The resonance of nature's messages manifests in myriad forms, and for me, birds bear a poignant significance as messengers from those who have departed. Similarly, the delicate flutter of yellow butterflies and the steady presence of turtles evoke the comforting embrace of loved ones who have transitioned. These subtle yet profound cues from the natural world often carry the poignant reminder that we are seen, supported, and guided on our journey. The universe's method of communication through nature's symbols holds incredible potency. The guidance can emerge from various animals, plants, and elements, granting us access to a unique form of universal language. While these signs need not be confined to connections with those who have passed, they can be interpreted as messages during transformative phases. An example from my own experience exemplifies this interaction with the universe's signs. Recollecting my late friend's affinity for turtles, I noticed their scarcity in my surroundings. During a contemplative moment, I wondered if her presence was waning. Astonishingly, within days, a turtle appeared on my doorstep, accompanied by an unexpected influx of turtle symbolism. This alignment of occurrences reinforced the universe's subtle reminder that profound connections endure beyond the veil. These encounters invite us to cultivate personalized symbols that mirror our journey, offering solace and inspiration. The universe's response to my thoughts felt like an emphatic reassurance that our interconnectedness remains unbroken, urging me to embrace the ongoing presence of guidance and support.

Unveiling Universe's Whispers: Deciphering Unusual Events

Unfurling the enigmatic layer of unusual events, we venture into the realm of unexpected encounters, unforeseen accidents, and even health setbacks. Positioned as the sixth sign that the universe is vying for your attention, these peculiar occurrences often carry hidden messages. These events, though seemingly disruptive, can serve as profound wake-up calls, urging introspection and change. I've observed instances where the universe's guidance materialized through these twists of fate. For instance, falling ill and having to reschedule a podcast interview could be more than just a coincidence. It might signify a misalignment with my vision or a call to reassess my pace. Similar instances might include accidents that stem from overexertion, compelling us to decelerate and reflect. Even unexpected roadblocks may conceal spiritual lessons, nudging us to perceive life's deeper currents. In such moments, gleaning insights from these events invites us to perceive beyond the surface and unearth the universe's intricately woven intentions.

Navigating Life's Path: Honoring Gut Feelings

Bringing our exploration to a close, the final entry on our journey through the universe's signs is the compelling realm of gut feelings. Seamlessly intertwined with intuitive hits, this aspect is particularly relevant for those whose human design features a defined sacral. Bolstered by an innate sense of knowing, it's paramount to heed your body's wisdom when it comes to people, situations, and decisions. The resonance between your gut feelings and the universe's whispers can be a powerful compass, safeguarding you from exhaustion and burnout. By aligning your energy with endeavors that elicit an affirmative response from your gut, you're poised for harmony. Yet, don't discount moments when something feels amiss or out of sync. Instead of interpreting it as a resounding “no,” consider it as a gentle redirection from the universe. These sensations aren't absolute verdicts; they're prompts to realign or to await a more fitting moment. Nurturing a symbiotic relationship with your instincts is a cornerstone of interpreting these cosmic cues. So, as you traverse life's path, remember to attune to the subtle cadence of your body's guidance, embracing the profound dialogue between intuition and the universe.


In culmination, recognizing the innate intuition within us unveils a profound connection to the universe. Embracing the art of communication with the cosmos ushers in a life of increased ease and harmonious flow, aligning us with our aspirations. Instead of conforming to perceived obligations, the key lies in heeding the universe's constant dialogue. Every moment holds the potential for connection if we only choose to reach out. Amid the intricacies of existence, the universe is an ever-present communicator. While occasionally overlooked, its messages are decipherable through the tapestry of synchronicities, recurring patterns, intuitive insights, dreams, nature's cues, unexpected events, and gut instincts. By embracing an open perspective and trusting our inner guidance, these cues metamorphose into navigational beacons on our life journey.

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Picture of Hi! I'm Cara

Hi! I'm Cara

You are designed with unique intuitive intelligence that can guide you into an extraordinary life, and my job is to help you uncover your power and live with greater ease and purpose.

NOTE: This podcast was transcribed by an AI tool. Please forgive any typos or errors. 7 Signs The Universe is Trying to Get Your Attention === [00:00:00] Cara: Is the universe trying to get your attention. Hi, I'm Cara welcome to this episode of floductivity. All about the seven. There's probably more than seven, but seven signs. The universe is trying to get your attention. This is a powerful episode and I can't wait to dive in. I'll see you on the other side. [00:00:18] Cara: Welcome to floductivity. The podcast that guides you on a transformative journey towards spiritual wisdom, self development and healing practices. All aimed at elevating your intuition and aligning you with your soul's purpose. I'm your host, Cara Dempsey. And I'm thrilled to have you joining me today as we learn together. ​ [00:00:40] 7 Signs That the Universe is Trying to Get Your Attention --- [00:00:40] Cara: Welcome to this episode of floductivity.. We are going to dive in to all about the signs that the universe is trying to get your attention. So welcome back to my channel. And just know the universe is always communicating with us. But sometimes we can miss the signs. So it's important that we [00:01:00] find time, hopefully on a daily basis. And even if it's a few seconds for us to really. [00:01:05] Cara: Sit with ourselves and see what the messages are within us, or even outside of us. [00:01:11] Cara: So in this video, [00:01:12] Cara: In this episode, we're going to explore the seven common signs that the universe may be trying to get your attention. [00:01:19] Cracking the Code of Synchronicities --- [00:01:19] Cara: So the first one is synchronicities. Synchronicities are meaningful coincidences that seem to be too unlikely to be mere chance. These can include scene repeating numbers like angel numbers. [00:01:33] Cara: Meeting someone unexpectedly who has a message for you. Or hearing a song. That feels like it was meant for you. [00:01:42] Cara: When these synchronicities happen frequently, it may be a sign that the universe is trying to communicate with you. So it's being aware. It's not being so busy in your worlds that you're not picking up on these signs. [00:01:57] Angel Numbers: Unveiling the Mystique --- [00:01:57] Cara: Angel numbers are a big thing in our house. We [00:02:00] always just take a moment make a wish and really just. Connect within. And I love that my kids like to. Kind of be a part of that too. well, each angel number means something different. I think that when you begin to see the same numbers repeatedly or just angel numbers in general, it just means pay attention to that moment. What, in that moment, do you need to pay attention to. [00:02:27] Cara: And sometimes it's. This isn't meant for you. Sometimes it means this is meant for you. And so if we don't take that time to really connect. With ourselves. And what feels true to us and what doesn't, then it's really hard for these things to make sense. And I've talked about this in previous episodes. [00:02:49] Cara: So, if you want to learn more, you can check them out. But one of the things that has elevated my intuition to know what these things mean. Is using my [00:03:00] human design and my inner authority. And so for me, My sacral, I have a gut response. And so if I feel it in my gut, I know it's a yes. If I feel it in my upper gut. [00:03:12] Cara: I know it's a no, and if I don't get assigned. It's just a not right now and that I will come back to it. [00:03:19] Cara: So I'll just dive into the angel numbers and what they generally mean. But I think that you should. Take your own. Instinct on what they mean for you. And so if 1, 1, 1 comes up. It means that this is a great moment for you to start manifesting your dreams or see where your dreams can. Be in that moment. [00:03:42] Cara: It's a time for taking risks, shifting patterns, moving projects. And so sometimes. It may be a sign that this vision or dream you're working towards needs to be shifted. So just keep your eyes appealed for opportunities or things that you can take action on. [00:03:59] Cara: If you've [00:04:00] been seen to, to, to, this is about. Understanding that what you're building means that you should continue building it, planting your seeds, and your efforts may not be something that feels like it's come to fruition, but the universe is trying to nudge you to keep working towards your goals. [00:04:19] Cara: 3 3, 3. It means that the universe has been listening to what you've been asking for. And that you are. Being brought to the people opportunities and the resources that will help you keep taking action. And encouraging you to go forward. And so know that the universe is supporting you and the actions that you're taking. [00:04:42] Cara: 4 44. Is just a reminder that your guides angels are around you and that they're there to be a comfort. And to let you know that. They're supporting you in the steps that you're taking. [00:04:56] Cara: 5 5 5 is knowing that there may [00:05:00] be a shift coming into your life. That a transition and the things that you've been wanting. In your life to change maybe coming, but sometimes. The things that are not supporting us. I need to let go and they need to be kind of pushed to the side for these changes to come in. So it's just letting you know that this change is coming and be prepared. [00:05:24] Cara: 6 66 is about finding balance and stability. when you begin to see these numbers, it's about knowing that it may be something for you to see. Something, that's not bringing you to your highest good that you need to let go so that you can propel yourself forward. And that could be overworking. That could be just doing too much. And you need to find balance in what you're doing [00:05:49] Cara: 7 77 is about spirituality. And knowing that you are ever evolving and expanding with your [00:06:00] spiritual awareness. [00:06:00] Cara: So this is a time to focus on your spirituality and your growth and seeing what new practices and new things that you can incorporate in your life that you can bring in. [00:06:12] Cara: 8 8 8 is about abundance. So is there someone that's come into your life that maybe could be a potential client? Do you get a download of a creative idea that you can bring to fruition? And so it's being open and allowing what the universe has to Let into your world so that you can have that co-creation with the universe. [00:06:35] \ [00:06:35] Cara: 9 9 9 is about the cyclical pattern of life. And knowing that there is a time for things that need to be let go of or different chapters of your life. For example. [00:06:47] Cara: There's a point where maybe you graduate, but then you need to start that new career. And so the life of being a student is ending and. The new life of stepping into career is the next step. [00:07:00] And it's also knowing that if you really want to start this new business of yours, sometimes when we hold onto the things that aren't allowing us to step into that version of ourself is blocking us from being able to do that. So it's knowing that there's a time that you need to. [00:07:16] Cara: Lean into the universe and have that faith and let go of, what's not serving us. [00:07:22] Cara: And the last angel number I wanted to bring up is 1, 2, 3, 4. And the reason why I'm bringing it up is because it has been something that I've been seeing glaring in my life. And it's just knowing that I am on my path. I am taking these steps to building this life that I envision. And it's just saying, stick to your goals, pay attention to the details and allow yourself to, again, connect with yourself. Make time to just be with yourself. Not scrolling, not bingeing. Just being with yourself. Is it sitting outside? [00:07:56] Cara: Is it sitting in the bathroom with the door shut? Because you're a [00:08:00] mom of kids. However, you can find those moments. It's a really important for you too. Really have that connection with the universe. [00:08:07] Decoding Repeating Patterns: Universe's Persistent Message --- [00:08:07] Cara: next up on the signs that the universe is trying to get your attention. Repeating patterns. If you keep experiencing the same situation or problem over and over again. It may be a sign that the universe is trying to get your attention. [00:08:22] Cara: These patterns that may manifest in different areas of your life, such as relationships, career, or even health. When you notice repeating patterns, take a step back and reflect on what the universe may be trying to tell you. So some ways that this came up in my life was I was having a lot of GI issues. [00:08:40] Cara: Well, I think there was many causes to it. I think one of the biggest ones was I was not listening to my sacral response in human design and it was affecting my health. I wasn't listening to this message within my body. It was screaming at me. And so it kept happening until I started [00:09:00] to listen to it. [00:09:00] Cara: Now do I think just listening to my sacral healed my gut. No, it did take some other detox scene and protocols that I used, but it was something that really got my attention. Another example there was this reoccurring pattern I had with some people in my life and I realized. It was up to me to change how I reacted. To this reoccurring situation. And since I have not had this issue. And so sometimes it's knowing that we can't change the actions of other people. But we definitely can change how we react to it. And it was really empowering. Once I saw that I was in control of my reaction. [00:09:42] Cara: That. It dissolved the issue. [00:09:44] Cara: So I just ask anyone that keeps having these reoccurring health issues or relationship problems, take a step back and see how these reoccurring issues are happening. And maybe something that you can do to [00:10:00] change it. And see if that helps get off that hamster wheel of never succeeding past these difficulties. [00:10:09] Navigating Intuitive Hits: Embracing Cosmic Guidance --- [00:10:09] Cara: Number three and the list is intuitive hits and these are gut feelings or flashes of insight that seemed to come out of nowhere. These hits may be a sign that the universe is trying to guide you in a certain direction. So it's really important for you to pay attention to your intuition and trust your inner voice now. [00:10:28] Cara: I've said this before. I think it's important to know your human design, to see how your intuition may be in your body. If you have a defined spleen, you just know you have an inner knowing. If you have a defined sacral, you have that gut feeling. If you have your heart or ego defined, your heart will lead you in the right way. And so these are ways of connecting or elevating your intuition. [00:10:58] Cara: And how you can have [00:11:00] more connection with the universe. [00:11:02] Deciphering Dreams: The Universe's Cryptic Messages --- [00:11:02] Cara: Next up is dreams. If you want to learn more about dreams, I have an episode. I will link it in the show notes. But dreams can be a powerful tool on receiving messages from the universe. So again, pay attention to the reoccurring themes or symbols in your dream as they may be important messages from your subconscious or the universe. [00:11:22] Cara: I actually have a journal next to my bed so I can write down anything that I feel like keeps coming up in my dreams. [00:11:28] Cara: I can attest to this so much. I've actually had a few conversations with people that are. Experts in the field. I was on someone else's podcast and they broke down a reoccurring dream that I was having about my old career and having difficulty in starting my new career. [00:11:44] So, if you want to learn more about dreams, check out my episode with Pam Mueller. She breaks down so many awesome ways to have connection with your dreams and I'll make sure that's linked in the show notes. [00:11:57] Cara: And for me, I've had premonitions in my [00:12:00] dreams. And so knowing that I can take this insight and really be able to break down of what I need in that moment or what I need to pay attention to. You know, I don't know the research on it, but I do know that dreams are linked to our subconscious. And so for having trouble. Or we're being held back and what we're doing that I do think dreams can provide us some amazing insight. [00:12:24] Nature's Whispers: Decoding Signs from the Universe --- [00:12:24] Cara: Number five has a special place in my heart. And that is signs from nature. Now I brought this up on previous episodes about how birds have a special meaning for me, with people that have passed. I also have a sign of yellow butterflies. And turtles, and these are all people that have passed away in my life that I feel like are nudging me to say, keep going. We see you. And it just feels really supportive. [00:12:52] Cara: And so it can just be a really powerful messenger from the universe. Pay attention to signs from animals [00:13:00] plans and just nature in general. And see what the message may be for you. it doesn't have to be specifically linked. [00:13:07] Cara: to someone that has passed away. But knowing that if you see a butterfly, you could be in a transformational time period. And so I will just give you a little idea of something that's happened to me recently was I have a friend that passed away a while ago and. Turtles remind me of her. Her house had a snapping turtle in the ponds that she lived by. And so, I don't know, and she was a scuba diver. And so anytime I would see turtles, I would think of her. [00:13:36] Cara: And so I had this moment of, I see birds regularly, especially Bluebirds and Cardinals, and those are specific to people. in my life. [00:13:46] Cara: And butterflies, but I had not seen turtles in a really long time. And I had this moment where I was, you know, just meditating or sitting out back. And it was like universe, like. Maybe she's just not with me as often [00:14:00] as I thought, because it's been a long time since I've seen her interacted with her. [00:14:04] Cara: And no joke. Within two days of having this conversation with myself in the universe, there was a turtle on my front step and I mean, If you're on video with me, it was a pretty large turtle. From there. How many turtles that I saw, my daughter brought home a turtle stuffed animal. They just started a pop-up and I feel like it was the universe. It was my friends saying I am with you. I am rooting for you. [00:14:32] Cara: And so it's creating those specific things that when you need uplifting or reminders that what you're doing and where you're at, that you need support, that they can come forth for you. I feel like the universe was like, [00:14:45] Cara: Yeah, don't act like I'm not here for you. Here you go. And so the universe proved me wrong on that one. [00:14:51] Unveiling Universe's Whispers: Deciphering Unusual Events --- [00:14:51] Cara: Number six is unusual events. it could be unexpected encounters accidents, illnesses. It may [00:15:00] be a sign. The universe is trying to get your attention. These events may be a wake up call or a sign that you need to make a change in your life. I think there's been times where. Even as little as getting sick and having to cancel a podcast interview. [00:15:17] Cara: Has been something that has been helpful. It doesn't mean that the person I was supposed to. I have this interview with isn't a good person. Maybe they're just not aligned with the visions that I have. It could be that. I hurt myself in the midst of doing too much. And the universe is like, slow down. You're rushing. Someone's going to get hurt. [00:15:41] Cara: Sometimes it's an accident on the road that stops you to your next thing, it's like, what can you take a step back and reflect on where the spiritual lesson is? And what's in front of you. [00:15:55] Navigating Life's Path: Honoring Gut Feelings --- [00:15:55] Cara: The last one is gut feelings. And I feel like this one should be with the [00:16:00] intuitive hits because everybody has their intuition different in their body. especially someone that has a sacral defined in their human design. It is really important for you to pay attention to your gut feelings about people, places, things. I truly believe that if you put your energy into something and your body's saying no, [00:16:22] Cara: You are on the road to burnout. [00:16:25] Cara: So, if something feels off, you don't have to feel it in your gut. If something feels off or out of alignment. It may be assigned. The universe is trying to guide you in a different direction. Again, it's not a, no, it's just not right now. So begin to create this relationship with your instincts and how that comes through to you. [00:16:49] Cara: And listen to what your body is telling you. [00:16:52] Conclusion --- [00:16:52] Cara: So in conclusion, understanding that we are very intuitive beings and the [00:17:00] more we give ourselves the attention to communicate with the universe. The easier life gets, the more inflow we get with what we want in life. Instead of doing all the things that we think we should be doing. And so to know that the universe is always communicating with us. Sometimes we just need to ask. [00:17:21] Cara: Sometimes we miss the signs By paying attention to synchronicities repeating patterns, those intuitive hits dreams signs from nature. The unusual events and those gut feelings, we can better understand the messages. The universe is trying to send us. So keep an open mind, trust your intuition. And let the signs guide you on your journey. [00:17:47] Cara: Thank you so much for joining me this week. If this was your first time. Welcome. And if you joined me for previous episodes, thank you so much for coming back. Before you go, make sure you subscribe and share this episode with a [00:18:00] friend. Those few seconds make a huge impact on my show and I'd be grateful for the support. If you want to learn more, check the show notes and all the links mentioned caradempsey.com/ 71. Thanks for being here and we'll chat soon. [00:18:14]
Floductivity Podcast Episode

Are you ready to unlock your intuition and reach new heights of self-awareness and personal growth? 

Welcome to Floductivity, the show where we explore the intersection of self-development, spirituality, and self-care.

Each week, we bring you insightful interviews with experts in these fields, as well as solo episodes where we dive deep into topics like meditation, energy work, intuitive development, and how to bring wellness into your everyday life. Whether you're new to these practices or a seasoned pro, our podcast is the perfect place to elevate your intuition and connect with like-minded individuals.


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