Manifesting Money Why You Have Money Blocks And How to Attract More Wealth Blog



Do you ever feel like you're stuck in a financial rut? Like no matter how hard you work or how much money you save, you just can't seem to get ahead. If so, you're not alone. In fact, many of us are struggling with what is called “money blocks.” 

Money blocks are any beliefs or emotions that prevent us from achieving financial abundance. 

They might be things like feeling undeserving of wealth, being afraid of failure, or self-sabotaging our success. Whatever the case may be, money blocks can keep us trapped in a cycle of struggle and lack. 

The good news is that breaking through your money blocks and attracting more wealth into your life is possible. In this blog post, we'll explore some of the most common money blocks and provide tips for overcoming them. 

The Most Common Money Blocks (and How to Overcome Them) 

One of the most common money blocks is the belief that we don't deserve wealth. This might be because we feel guilty about having more than others or because we've been taught that money is bad or evil. Whatever the case may be, it's important to remember that there's nothing wrong with wanting to improve your financial situation. Everyone deserves to live a prosperous life! 

If you find yourself feeling guilty or ashamed about wanting more money, try shifting your focus to all of how you could use your wealth to help others. For example, you could donate to causes that are important to you, invest in businesses that support social good, or even just use your extra cash to treat yourself and your loved ones to something special. By redirecting your energy towards abundance instead of lack, you'll start attracting more wealth into your life. 

Another common money block is the fear of failure. 

This can manifest itself in several ways, such as being too risk-averse when it comes to investments or not trusting our gut when it comes to business decisions. But if we want to attract abundance into our lives, we have to be willing to take some risks! After all, even if we do fail sometimes, that doesn't mean we're failures—it just means we're human. So instead

of letting the fear of failure hold you back, use it as motivation to push yourself outside of your comfort zone. With each small victory, you'll become more confident in your ability to create lasting abundance. 


Last but not least, many of us tend to self-sabotage our success without even realizing it. 

This can look like procrastinating on important projects, neglecting our health and well-being, or engaging in destructive relationships—basically anything that prevents us from reaching our full potential. If this sounds familiar, don't worry—you're not alone! But if you want to start attracting more wealth into your life, it's time to start taking care of yourself first and foremost. Make sure you're prioritizing your own happiness and well-being above all else; when you do, the rest will fall into place. 

Breaking through your money blocks can feel daunting at first—but it's so worth it! When you free yourself from negative beliefs and self-sabotaging behaviors, you open yourself up to limitless possibilities for financial abundance. So if you're ready to start attracting more wealth into your life, remember these tips: focus on abundance instead of lack; take some risks; and prioritize your own happiness and well-being above all else. With a little effort and perseverance, anyone can achieve their financial goals! If you are ready to tackle your blocks than connect with Katy below.


Guest Spotlight: Katy Chen Mazzara

Katy Chen Mazzara is a certified trauma-informed financial wellness coach and graduate of UC Berkeley’s Personal Financial Planning program. As a former TV producer and award-winning documentary filmmaker, Katy understands the balance between dreaming and doing. Through her six-step Financial Freedom Formula, Katy helps creative freedom-seekers make more, worry less, and achieve true financial freedom, so they can create the life of their dreams. 

Connect with Katy:


Free Masterclass: The Financial Freedom Formula

Episode Resources:


NOTE: This podcast was transcribed by an AI tool. Please forgive any typos or errors. Detoxing for nourishment === cara: [00:00:00] Hey everyone. Welcome to the detox episode. I realized every august i do a detox and the last few years it's been a pretty intense detox and i just wasn't interested in doing that this time around So I'm going to give you the insight of the last few detoxes I've done, but I really want to share with you the one that I'm doing this time around, because it seems doable for most people. Whereas the other ones. They were a lot and it takes a lot of self discipline. To do those. And I want to share with you what I did this time around, because it was only a few days. And honestly, it was probably the most impactful detox I've done and it was three days long. So I can't wait to share my insight with you. I just want to remind you that this is my journey and your journey is totally different. And I just want you to take what resonates and leave what doesn't. And i can't wait to get started New Intro: Welcome to Floductivity. A place to inspire and empower beings to embrace [00:01:00] self-love and self-development. For an achievable balance of productivity. I shared different ways to come back to your intuition through spirituality. Self care, human design. Cycle planning. Wellness and everything in between. Thank you so much for joining me this week. If this is your first time. Welcome. And if you've been here with me before, thank you so much for coming back. I'm so excited to join you in this journey as we learn together Marker --- cara: So I'm going to share with you the first detox I ever did. And I'm going to share it with you, for anyone who really needs a full. Reset. And they're willing to put in the work and they understand that this was three months of my life. It wasn't just a week. It wasn't just a month. It was. Three months, which is a very long time to. Have such a restrictive diet. But I was coming from a place of having to really heal myself. My immune system was shutting down. Our house had mold. And we came to a point where we had it remediated and I was ready to start fresh. And I knew it had to start with [00:02:00] food and anything in my body. I had an acupuncturist at the time, I will put her information in the show notes. She is in Raleigh. I've mentioned her in a previous episode as well. She had been referred to me from one of my friends. And she was so helpful in this journey. Ultimately my diet for three months consisted of organic. Protein. Vegetables. That do not contain starch. So it was ultimately mostly green vegetables. I did organic, fresh pressed Almond butter. I made my own hummus. I made a lot of smoothies and it was very specific on even the protein powders I could use. So if the package had ingredients on it, more than two or three, I probably couldn't have it. So I'm sharing this because one, I had someone guiding me through it. And two, it took a lot of commitments and work and restricting. My food to be able to go through it. It was hard, but it was worth it for what I was going through. I hope I don't have to do it again [00:03:00] because it felt restrictive. And I find that when I get overwhelmed with what I can't eat. I end up holding back food and ultimately that wasn't healthy for me, but it just gets to a point where I just didn't know what to reach for. And so I ended up not reaching. What I should have. The next time I did a detox, I did whole 30 and that was great because there's guidelines. It's pretty easy to follow. Even though 30 days is very hard to have that restrictive diet. Looking back. I realized a lot of the foods that I had on the whole 30 were also not good for me. I was having reactions to them, but I still didn't know how to track those things that were giving me these reactions that I was having. So, if I were to do the whole 30 again, I would probably keep a bit more track of the food that I had. And then I would also have been better about. Reintroducing foods. The great thing about whole 30 is it's a pretty well-known program. You [00:04:00] don't really have to pay for it, but you can go through them to have a coach help you through it if you need that support. So that's always a great option. Also, so many products have that whole 30 approved stamp on it. So you have a little bit more guidance of what you can have. I remember I used thrive market at the time and they even had a filter that you could put in. With the whole 30. You know, food and snacks. And I want to say snacks loosely, because the one thing about whole 30 is not having snacks between and. That is one of the things that I didn't find that aligned with me.I meant to have food throughout the day and not big meals. My body just doesn't process that well. And so when I followed the whole 30, I was pretty much. Strict with the whole idea. And again, I find that you really got to take what resonates with you. I know some people give up coffee during whole 30. I kind of refused that one. But the benefit was. I was able to [00:05:00] find a way to have my coffee healthier still to this day. That I don't have those creamers that are low-fat have sugar. Again, like anything with a lot of ingredients or ingredients you cannot read are not good for your body. And so I love that. I've been able to find Nutpods because that supports me. Today. And they do have some versions that have Stevia in them. So when I'm looking for a treat in my coffee, I will get a Stevia sweetened one, but for the most part I have learned to. Have my coffee. without sugar. But I will always have some sort of cream per se in my coffee. So Nutpods really has been something that I appreciate. Again, it's not for everyone, especially if they're used to. Josie and up there coffee, but that was a habit that I knew I had to break. Now, the next detox that I did was because I had done one of those tests. And it was ultimately testing Different things in my body that I ended up. You know, Getting a kit. Peeing in the [00:06:00] cup, sending it away and then they would share with me. The feedback that I would get. And so they had recommended some protocols and I took what I thought. I needed to do in the process. And that one was great because they. Really walked you through every single step. Because you pay for it. And so that was the first time that I invested a good amount of money into doing that. And it felt good after again, it was over. Almost three months, but it wasn't restrictive. Like the first two diets. It was a little easier, but I really had to plan it out myself, me as a planner. I was able to do that. But I know not everybody is wired that way. So keep that in mind, because the first week was purely ultimately their shakes and then the next week Was shakes with a specific diets and then came to re-introducing foods. And again, the one thing that I've learned in All these different detoxes is. Some of the foods that I am reactive to. Are very healthy and I just [00:07:00] never put that. In my mind, I just didn't understand why I was having these reactions. And so again, I probably would have. Preferred to have a tracking system of keeping track of what I was eating and looking back to see, because I have a better idea of these foods now, but it would be nice that what I'm going through such a restrictive time of eating it's easier because you're consuming less. Amounts of types of food. And so you can kind of pinpoint it down. So I'll put that one in the show notes. It is. Dr. Cueball's detox and there's so many different options. And again, You know, you can do the detox without doing the testing. There's so many testings that you can do within it. So you have to take what resonates and leave what doesn't, it's a very specific thing for what you're trying to do. Now let's get to the. Exciting part, the detox. I just did. It was only three days and anyone that's done a detox for a week, a month, three months, whatever, like three days is nothing. [00:08:00] But I took this one, a very different route. I wasn't just doing a food detox. I was doing a mind, body and soul detox. For many reasons. I had surgery a couple of weeks ago and I just don't do well with medications, but, you know, I was in pain. I had anesthesia, there was a lot of things behind it. And I could tell it was affecting my gut. And so that was another reason of like, okay, I need to do a detox, but let's make this a nourishing detox. I feel like every detox. I've done is a restrictive detox. This one was fully nourishing my mind, body and soul. And so let me tell you the rules I made for me. Again, You may take what you like leave what you don't. But here we go. So first things first is. I don't love social media. I really don't go on Instagram or Facebook and less of, I have to, or if I'm trying to interact with someone specific, I do have some Facebook groups that are around my [00:09:00] business that I go on for. But as for interacting, it's just not my favorite place to be. I find that it doesn't do well for my personality and I get why other people use it. It's just something that doesn't bring out the best version of myself. And so I have found that. I just have to limit my use to business use only. Now that being said, I absolutely love tiktok. It's not for everyone, but it certainly speaks my language. I learned so much. About everything on tiktok. I swear, I've learned more on tiktok than I have. The majority of my. Education. I've also built some amazing relationships and community on tiktok. Just to give you a little insight. I had posted a video on tiktok and I posted the same one on Instagram, and it was at the time where I felt like I was making things hard on myself. I was ultimately like, show me the way, show me where I need to put my energy. Because when you're building a business, your energy is pulled in many different directions. And so for me to be [00:10:00] purposeful in what I'm doing, I really need to streamline what I'm doing. And so back to this video that I posted. On tiktok I got love. I got inquiry. I got support. I got followers. I built this community on this video. I got a lot of use on this video. I posted the same one on Instagram and I did get a good amount of a fuse on it, but I got derogatory comments. I got hurtful comments. I got no support at all. And so it was just confirmation that Instagram's not for me at this moment. And I hope that I can kind of heal that disconnect at some point. But. I am putting stuff on there for my right audience to find me and then realize where they can find me. And that's my podcast. And that's, tiktok that's my website. That's my email. That is where you can find me. So back to the whole detox was, is I was putting a lot, probably more than I should have by energy, into tiktok. And [00:11:00] so I. Made a deal with myself that I was not allowed to go on. tiktok no social media whatsoever. No shopping. No. Anything that dealt with my computer, my iPad, or my phone minus calls and texts. And my Spotify, I music is my sanctuary. It is my healing place. And so those were my exclusions to electronics per se. And so a part of the detox was disconnecting myself from those electronics. I did use my Kindle. I am a big reader. I'm a big person on itself investment. And so I knew I wasn't going to be utilizing any of the courses or the things that I rely on for my business, but I did let myself read because It just brings out the best in me. And I love learning about things and. Books are a huge way that support me in that. I also made a exception. Four. TV originally. I said, I wasn't going to be watching any TV, but that is not something that I have an attachment to. I don't [00:12:00] watch TV very often. My. Places where I have a hard time following the boundaries I set are working too much. And tiktok. Because I love it. cara: So. I made a rule that I was allowed to watch. My shows. When I was actively detoxing. And so what that meant for me was there was of the three nights, two of them, I watched TV. The first night. I took a detoxing bath with Epsom salt. And the third night. I could only watch TV. When I was foam rolling. And. Just kind of doing a couple of those things. Like I take a bath here and there, and it's been a while since I foam rolls, but I forgot how detoxifying foam rolling is. So I'm just reminding anyone. If you have a foam roller, and you're feeling kind of, you know, needs some loosening up, you need some movement in your body. Something is easy as foam rolling can do the trick for you. And it's something that I want to integrate in my menstrual cycle as well, Because you really aren't supposed to do too much working out. But [00:13:00] doing something like foam rolling is really great way to support movement in your body. So let's chat about what I ate and I'm going to talk about what I ate each day and how I would have changed it because. We all know we're not perfect. I knew what I was doing this time around. Wasn't going to be perfect. That wasn't my goal. I just wanted to nourish myself in these three days. That was my goal. I didn't want to be restrictive. I wanted to be nourishing. So I had made a plan ahead of time. That's my first suggestion. Because when you get to a point where you're hungry or you're. not eating and consuming this amount of food that you need in your normal day. You get to a point where you get ravenous or you just don't think about it ahead of time, and then you're stuck and you're to a point where you don't feel good. So the first thing I did to prepare was to plan it out. And so my plan was to do. Uh, smoothie in the morning, a smoothie for lunch. And then. Roasted vegetables for dinner. I was in my luteal phase. And so I was very specific on the food I was making. And so [00:14:00] grounding. Foods are really important at that time. So again, my goal was to nourish myself, not restrict myself. Cycle planning AD: Are you looking to have a more easeful and purposeful life? Well, planning around my cycle has changed my life. And I know with this concept, it can help other women take on the test. At the right times for more productivity. I created a free cycle planning principles to help guide you. Understand your cycle. For your work and home life. Visit Or check the show notes. cara: No, I did restrict my caffeine. I did not have coffee during this time. That is a big one for me. I have not given up coffee and a lot of my detoxes and I know it's not great. For women, especially with hormones, but this was something that I decided that was important. And I knew it was doable because it was only three days. That being said, I had woken up with a very bad headache. And so I knew it wasn't the fact that I was restricting caffeine. I [00:15:00] knew it was on the fact that I had stayed up. Way past my bedtime, trying to put all things podcast, my work. Content, whatever I was trying to get done so that I could unplug for three days. And I just knew how I pushed through and tried to hustle through. Left me depleted when I woke up. And so that wasn't a great way to start. My detox. So my first smoothie that I decided for that morning was more of a detoxifying smoothie. And I had done frozen mango and pineapple. Frozen banana. Baby kale, spinach, ginger. I added avocado and coconut water. I think I added a splash of Nutpods to make it a little bit creamier and it was pretty good. It's different because you have the ginger. And a lot of times I go more Berry with my smoothies, but, it was pretty good. I felt like it was refreshing. So a little tip is one. I usually buy organic bulk. Fruit at BJ's and BJ's also has a spinach and kale frozen, [00:16:00] organic. Um, package as well. If you don't have access to that, a little trick that I do. To make smoothies really easy and have a lot of nutrients because that kale and spinach is great for you is I will take a bunch of fresh kale and spinach. I will add them into my blender. I add some water and then I will either put them in ice cube, trays, or muffin tins, depending on how much I want. And then that way, when you're making a smoothie, you just add that little frozen green ice cube. It is great to add to foods and sauces that you're making too so it's just a little tip is that's probably the best most efficient cost efficient way to add that kind of nutrients to your smoothies I also want to mention that a huge heavy hitter in my kitchen is my Vitamix. I know they're very pricey. I did my research. I looked months in advance and knew that they would come out with some sort of. Black Friday deal a few years ago, and that was going to be my Christmas present. And let me tell [00:17:00] you. I love that thing. It is huge. We do smoothies a lot in my household. I make sauces with it. It's just one of those things that I take for granted when I go somewhere else, I did stay somewhere else during this detox. And so I was limited on the type of smoothie I can make, cause the Vitamix can cut through anything. And I have broken other blenders because I forget how powerful a Vitamix is. Marker --- cara: I will have a link in the show notes. If you're interested in getting into Vitamix. I highly recommend them if you're looking to up your blender game The smoothie I did for lunch is one of my favorite all-time smoothies ever. It is my cinnamon roll smoothie. I use the cinnamon roll protein powder from tone it up again. I will have that link in the show notes. It is so delicious. But this smoothie. I planned it specifically, because I feel like when you're trying to cut out sugar in your diet, like you get to a point, especially mid day of the first day, like. You plumb it. And so I really wanted to have something to perk me up mid day. And so with the Vitamix, [00:18:00] you always put the liquid in first. If I am trying to stay on the cleaner side of ingredients, I will do coconut water with a splash of Nutpods. If I am just doing a regular smoothie, I will do unsweetened. Almond milk. My protein powder is cinnamon. Roll protein from tone it up. I'll throw an apple in there. That's been D chord. I'll add a scoop of the RX vanilla. Almond butter. It's super yummy. It's such a nice little treat when you are trying to have healthy ingredients, but you want a sugar fix. They use dates to sweeten it. So you avoid. The idea of added sugar I do the primal kitchen, vanilla coconut college in, I do the seeds that help support me in that phase of my menstrual cycle. I'll throw a frozen banana in there. Some ice cubes. And if I feel like I need to boost my immune [00:19:00] system, I'll throw some elderberry syrup in there. Turn on the Vitamix and it is a super yummy treat. So, what I had for dinner was I took two sheet pans. I did. Sweet potato. And brussel sprouts on one sheet pan because those cook longer. And then I did. Carrots. And broccoli on the other sheet pan because they don't cook as long. I toss it in avocado oil. It is my favorite oil to cook with. I find it very nourishing. I find it very filling. And it is usually my go-to when I'm roasting vegetables. I will cook it. At 400 for about 40 minutes for the brussel sprouts and. Sweet potato. And then the broccoli and the carrots is more like 25, 30 minutes, but everybody's, Oven's different. I do flip halfway in between, so that one side doesn't get more. Burt than the other. It helps to toss it midway through. Looking back. I should have done the vegetables because I had these vegetables every day. Of [00:20:00] the three days. I should've had that mid day because by the time dinner came, I was so hungry because I was only drinking my meals. And so I think it would have been a great way to kind of mix up the day, you know, smoothie, vegetables, and then smoothie. And to be honest, I probably would have done my food detox. Very different, depending on what phase I am in my cycle. That was a very big part of my detox. Because I was in my luteal phase, the digital detox was a must and making sure I had grounding foods to help kind of keep my blood sugar up was also very important. The next day I did. A. Anti-inflammatory smoothie. It's very similar to the first day, but it's a little different. I did frozen pineapple, frozen mango. Cold water. Coconut oil. Ginger. Tumeric paste and avocado. So there was a lot of the same, but adding the tumeric and I did also add some black pepper into it. It was something that I had [00:21:00] seen on Tik TOK a while back. And. I just thought, why not? This one was a drink that I think I saw in tiktok but I wanted to make it into a smoothie. My lunch for the day was my Berry smoothie. I get a. Organic Berry mix again at BJ's it's a big bag. My kids love this smoothie, so I knew I had to incorporate this smoothie with them. Anytime they hear my Vitamix. They're like, Ooh, smoothie. And my other ones, they were like, no, thank you. But this one, they're all about it. So I do. frozen Berry mix. I do college in, I do the strawberry banana, tone it up. Protein powder. They also have an orange collagen that is like orange creamsicle. It's delicious. I did coconut water. I normally do almond milk, but I know most almond milks have some sort of ingredients that aren't that great. So I was really trying to keep it as clean as I could. I wanted to say I added elderberry in there for support. And then again, any seeds that support me in that cycle. We were actually [00:22:00] going to stay at someone's house that night. So I had to really be strategic on my food for the next day or so. And so I knew that the leftovers from the dinner the night before were going to be my dinner for that night. So I just had the leftover roasted vegetables. The next morning, my smoothie was not my favorite. But again, I was trying to make it easy on myself since we were staying somewhere else. I knew I wasn't going to have my Vitamix with me. So I really had to think about what I was doing. And so I did kind of a take on an anti bloat smoothie and it's just coconut water, a frozen banana. A large cucumber. Some ginger and a handful of ice. I did add avocado. Because I knew I needed that fat in there to help me kind of stay afloat for the day. it took me a really long time to drink it. It just, again, it wasn't my favorite. I had something planned to do by myself that afternoon. I was going for a hike with my dog. I got the kids to be watched by my [00:23:00] mom. And so I really wanted some time to myself during this detox. That was really important to me. So I planned it out that I could go on a hike. That being said, I needed to have some sort of lunch before I went. And so I ended up getting a smoothie. From tropical smoothie and it was us IIE. And it was delicious. It felt like a huge treat compared to what I had been really eating before, especially for my smoothie that morning. And so it was nice to just kind of go, I went and sat by a lake by our house and just enjoy watching the water and kind of disconnecting. That was the whole point of my detox was to kind of slow down. And so being able to go and not really have to. Worry about anyone but myself. And of course my dog was with me, so I had to worry about my dog, but it was just really nice to disconnect. That night I had to make another set of roasted vegetables. I did not realize I would eat two trays of roasted vegetables and two nights. But I did. So that one, I just did [00:24:00] roasted sweet potato. And roasted brussel sprouts. Cause that's what I had. And so. Here is kind of the takeaway from all of it was. I think in life, we tend to make things harder than they need to be. And my goal was to kind of disconnect and really focus on what's important to me and my family, my business, and. Just reconnect with myself. And that's what I did. And it was so refreshing. I was very excited to eat real food the next day, but you know, it wasn't like overly that I felt like I needed to go run, you know, and eat fast food. But I felt like I was very intentional that I was still nourishing my body with all these foods and not just withholding. And I feel like a lot of my detoxes, that's what I felt like I was doing. I felt like I was able to connect with my intuition and just really be present with my kids. And focus on doing crafts with them being in nature with them, taking them swimming. And so anyone that's thinking about doing the detox, [00:25:00] I'd say. Try to go for three days, make it nourishing. cara: And really try to focus. What's important to you Because in the end, it's up to us on what our life looks like in the eyes of success. And no one else can define that for us. And when we have so much. External connection, external. Stimulation. It's really hard to focus on that. And so sometimes just being able to disconnect all those things that keep us hustling it's really. It can be overwhelming. So I hope you enjoy this episode. And. We'll chat soon Thank you so much for joining me this week. If this was your first time. Welcome. And if you join me for previous episodes, thank you so much for coming back before you go, make sure you share my podcast with a friend or subscribe. If you haven't yet. Those few seconds make a big impact on my podcasts and I'd be grateful for the support. I just wanted to share how detoxes have helped me. And they're just a great way to reset your body and [00:26:00] give your system a much needed break. When you eliminate processed foods and harmful toxins, you can allow your body to detoxify and rejuvenate itself. You can improve energy levels, boost, immunity, and promote weight loss. So take what works and leave what doesn't work for you. If you want to learn more, check out the show notes and all the links mentioned chat soon.
Picture of Hi! I'm Cara

Hi! I'm Cara

You are designed with unique intuitive intelligence that can guide you into an extraordinary life, and my job is to help you uncover your power and live with greater ease and purpose.

Floductivity Podcast Episode

Welcome to Floductivity, a place to inspire and empower you to embrace self-love and self-development for an achievable balance of productivity. I share different ways to elevate your intuition through spirituality, self-care, cycle planning, wellness, and everything in between. Let's embrace our unique nature and flourish in our gifts one around us can benefit. 

Floductivity is your trifecta of feminine intuitive intelligence.

A realm free of pressure and power struggles that offers a unique perspective of spiritual guidance, intuitive cycle reconnection, and enriched productivity.

When you choose to step into the Floductivity life practice, you create order out of the chaos this world puts on your identity. You generate a paradigm shift in connections–with your body, your family and friends, and your soul. 

This is where you transpose into the way the Universe made you with feminine and masculine energies, engage and take back the essence of your stardust, and drop into the true, intuitive power of your lunar cycle and human design.

Floductivity is a path, a welcoming embrace of your intuitive intelligence, preparing you for that shift into higher levels of awareness.

It’s more than a daily practice, Floductivity is a life practice. 

It’s rooted in three new-age, primordial and conventional modalities:

Lunar Cycle Vitality

Human Design


Are you ready to step into your trifecta of feminine intuitive intelligence?

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