A journey to wellness for a balanced life

I Want To Share With You Who I Am, Why I’m Here, And My Steps Into Making My Wellness Journey My Priority.

So many people have reached out to ask, what’s my secret? How did I make a transformation like this? Follow my journey to wellness for a more balanced life. On my journey to wellness, I began to connect with myself. I healed the emotions I ignored and found ways to make life easier. In fact, sharing my journey and giving guidance has become a passion, so it doesn’t feel as overwhelming as it did for me. I realized that I had to make my health a priority. As a result, the answers came once I made that commitment. 

The key is to grow and bring value to yourself continually on the journey to wellness for a more balanced life.

When I was in the last trimester with my son, my health changed for the worse. However, the importance of this story isn’t why but how I could get ahead of it. For two years, so much affected the health of myself and my family. It brought constant stress and trying to work with two small children drained me in every way. Read my post on how to avoid burnout here.

I felt guilty for thinking that my life was hard. There were people in my life having more complicated experiences. Yet, I am incredibly grateful now, looking back on my experiences. I am in the best shape mentally, physically, spiritually, and emotionally because of my journey to wellness to a more balanced life.

When someone has a more challenging experience, it doesn't take away the current pain you feel.

I had found out that our house having mold was a significant contribution to our low immune systems. Before I found that out, I removed so many foods from my diet, hoping to help with all the symptoms I was having. I was going to the doctors more than I could keep up with. I always left with prescriptions to treat my symptoms but not the underlying cause. The mold left our immune systems depleted. 

Here are just some examples of health issues we dealt with:

I began my health reset once we had the very costly mold remediation. This included our roof, siding, and crawl space. I was relieved to learn children are resilient and would not need any special treatment. 

In my research to my journey to wellness for a more balanced life, I found that gut health has a connection in so many ways. I also found that hormonal birth control can lead to gut issues for an extended amount of time. Mold exposure and antibiotics can affect gut health too. In other words, it was to best heal my gut since all three factors had been long-standing offenders.

Over the years, the decline in my gut health played a significant role in my depleted immune system. 

I went on a stringent diet that included:

The foods that were avoided:

I recommend reaching out to a holistic health coach, or a reputable protocol if you need to heal your gut. After some testing, I decided it was best to get off hormonal birth control. I originally went on it many years ago to help regulate my period. I knew it would take tracking my cycle to help get my menstrual cycle back on track. That was a pivotal moment in my journey to wellness. Check out my cycle planning blog post here.

I surrendered myself to healing my mind, body, and soul. I knew what I was going through was a significant transformation. However, it wasn’t about the weight loss but the ability to finally listen to my body. I was able to give myself the love and acknowledgment that I needed. 

Here are some ways I sparked Self-Awareness on my journey to wellness for a more balanced life:

Most of us cram so much into our day, as a result, it doesn't allow our bodies to communicate with us. Instead, we numb our minds with tv, scrolling through social media, and the duality of the news. This turns into anxiety, insomnia, and other ways our body screams for our attention. 

One thing in my wellness journey that had stuck out was a meditation I did back in February of 2020. Incidentally, it was right when I realized what I needed to do to begin healing. This meditation asked us to visualize our perfect day from when we woke up to when we went to bed. It wasn't supposed to be a dream day, like a vacation, but what we did as a profession and how we spent our day.

My day began in my house, which at the time would have made me feel unsafe because of the mold. This wasn’t the most surprising thing that came to light in my meditation. The fact that I didn’t do anyone’s hair on this day is what surprised me the most. I started the day off meditating, then into yoga. The rest of the day included quality time with my kids and sharing anything I thought of value to others. After this meditation, I felt a sense of ease and fulfillment, like a weight was lifted.

I was allowing myself to finally take a moment and evaluate what was important to me in my journey to wellness for a more balanced life.

This was something that sat heavy with me. How can my career of 19 years not exist? However, I didn’t take it too seriously since I thought there was no way this perfect day would be a regular occurrence. Fast forward to May 2020 (only a few months later), and I was living this perfect day I imagined. At this point, I still thought I would return to the salon. I was enjoying every moment for the time being. I had never pictured myself staying home with my kids. Sometimes it takes quieting the world around you to listen to what is suitable for you in the universe. 

I had this sense of guilt that the world around me was crumbling. Yet, I finally lived in a place of ease after two years of struggling. I sat with this guilt for some time. I meditated, journaled, and did anything that allowed me to get past the guilt. The insight that came to me in these times of self-reflection is my suffering does not bring value to others. Sharing what helped me through my storm might help someone else get through theirs. 

Every day is different for what you need to become the best version of yourself. While some days I meditate, and order take out because that makes my life the most enjoyable. Some days I make our meals from scratch and do yoga with my kids. The answer to what you need is inside of you. I am fortunate for me to live what makes me my highest self. However, your journey to wellness for a more balanced life will certainly be different than mine.

Find the practices that speak to you and show up every day, even the hard days.

I’m not a doctor, and people should go to their doctors to make sure that they stay healthy. Our bodies communicate what we need by showing us symptoms. Sometimes taking a prescription to treat the symptoms is the answer. Other times it's worth giving your body the attention it's craving. Taking sleeping pills isn’t going to fix why you can’t sleep; therefore they only quiet the mind so you can sleep. If you want an immediate fix, choose the pills. If you want to love your body, try listening to what it is communicating.

I don’t have it all figured out, and if anyone says they do, I would be cautious. Some nights I lay awake in the middle of the night, and I eat the cookies some days. It's easier to trust within versus fighting against it. I try every day to give my body what it needs, and I know every day that changes. 

I don’t let my time for self-awareness get passed over no matter what happens throughout the day. 

Are you ready to start listening to yourself? I am here for you on this wellness journey.

Subscribe to my email list to get inspiration on how to bring out the best version of yourself. Thank you for supporting me in this journey. 

With Gratitude,


I created The Floductivity Digital Planner to help track and understand my cycle. Check it out here

I created The Floductivity Retreat Planner to help guide you into using your cycle for a balanced day around productivity and self-care. Check it out here.

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