In today's blog post and episode, we will discuss the importance of divine connection in our everyday lives. We recently had an interview with Sarah, a spiritual medium who shared her experiences connecting with the spiritual realm from a young age.

What is Divine Connection?

Divine Connection refers to the experience of connecting with a higher power or spiritual presence that transcends the physical world. It is the feeling of being connected to something greater than oneself and feeling a sense of awe, wonder, and purpose as a result.

Divine Connection can take many forms, depending on one's personal beliefs and spiritual practices. For some, it may involve connecting with a specific deity or religious figure. In contrast, for others, it may simply involve a sense of connection with the universe or a higher power. Regardless of the form it takes, Divine Connection is often seen as a means of finding greater meaning and purpose in life and of cultivating a sense of inner peace and fulfillment.


Recognizing Signs and Symbols of Divine Presence

Sarah's first memory of interacting with Spirit was when she was just four years old and playing alone in her room. She remembers a caring spirit coming to play with her, and this was the beginning of her journey towards understanding the spiritual realm.

Recognizing signs and symbols of Divine Presence is important to cultivating a deeper connection with the divine. These signs can come in many forms, such as coincidences, synchronicities, or even everyday events that seem to have a deeper meaning or purpose. For example, seeing a particular animal or bird repeatedly may be seen as a sign of divine guidance or protection, while a sudden insight or moment of clarity may be seen as a message from a higher power.

It is important to approach these signs with an open mind and heart and to trust in one's intuition and inner guidance when interpreting them. By paying attention to the signs and symbols that appear in our lives, we can better understand the divine presence surrounding us and cultivate a greater sense of connection, purpose, and meaning in our everyday lives.

Maintaining a Consistent Practice for Divine Connection

Maintaining a consistent practice for Divine Connection is key to developing and strengthening one's spiritual connection. Consistency can take many forms, such as daily prayer, meditation, or other spiritual practices that help to center and ground us in our beliefs and values. By making time for these practices regularly, we create a space for the divine to enter into our lives and guide us towards greater meaning and purpose.
It is also important to approach these practices with intention and sincerity rather than as a mere routine or obligation. By cultivating a genuine desire to connect with the divine and by approaching our spiritual practices with a sense of curiosity and openness, we can deepen our connection and create a more profound experience of Divine Presence in our lives. Ultimately, the key to maintaining a consistent practice for Divine Connection is to make it a priority in our lives, and to approach it with a sense of reverence and devotion.

Sarah talks about practicing Sleep Yoga, a Daoist practice where you go to sleep in a meditative state. This helped her connect with her inner self and understand how her body and soul work together.

We talk about how Sarah is already embodying her human design and how it can support our spiritual development. We dive into ways people can listen, strengthen their intuition, and follow their inner voice, as this can profoundly impact our health and those around us.

Importance of Listening to Your Inner Voice for Divine Connection

Sarah also acknowledges that many people are too busy in their lives to notice the signs that Spirit is trying to communicate with them. She encourages people to take the time to connect with themselves and establish a connection with Spirit, which can offer them the support and guidance they need.

In conclusion, developing a divine connection is essential to spiritual growth and can bring immense meaning and purpose to our lives. As Sarah advises, taking the time to understand ourselves and connect with Spirit can help us navigate life's challenges more easily and gracefully.

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Picture of Hi! I'm Cara

Hi! I'm Cara

You are designed with unique intuitive intelligence that can guide you into an extraordinary life, and my job is to help you uncover your power and live with greater ease and purpose.

NOTE: This podcast was transcribed by an AI tool. Please forgive any typos or errors. Sarah Powell === [00:00:00] Cara: this week's episode. I have Sarah Powell. She is a spiritual mentor, psychic medium, and animal communicator living in Calgary, Canada with her husband and her two small children. [00:00:10] Cara: Being born a medium, Sarah has endured many trials, tribulations and triumphs through life. Taking these, all his lessons Sarah's leaned in and trusted spirit to guide the way and unleash her inner wild woman. Pilot registered nurse entrepreneur and psychic medium. Sarah's pushed herself beyond limitations and continues the journey with spirit every single day. This interview is beautiful as we walk through the journey sarah has been to get to where she is today so tune in and i will see you on the other side [00:00:40] Cara: Welcome to floductivity, a place to inspire and empower beings to embrace self-love and self-development for an achievable balance of productivity. I share different ways to come back to your intuition through spirituality, self care, human design, cycle planning, wellness, and everything in between. [00:00:59] Cara: Thank you so [00:01:00] much for joining me this week. If this is your first time. Welcome. And if you've been here with me before. Thank you so much for coming back. I'm so excited to join you in this journey. As we learn together. [00:01:12] Cara: Hi, Sarah. Thank you so much for coming to the show. [00:01:15] Sarah: Hi, Kara. Thank you so much for having me. I'm a pretty big fan of floductivity, [00:01:20] Cara: Yes, thanks. I'm excited to dive in, and my first question for my guests is, what are your favorite self-care practices? [00:01:28] Sarah: Perfect. I thought about this and then it just popped into my head. It was like my belly dancing. I always, no matter what, every Thursday night, I go belly dancing for two hours because it's the one thing that I don't have any other ties to. You know, there's no, jobs that I have to do for spirit and there's no, um, kid managing and there's nothing other than just belly dancing and that's my self care [00:01:52] Cara: Oh my gosh. I love that so much. I think that's my favorite. Why this is my favorite question is like there has never been two of [00:02:00] the same answers and this is a first. I love that so much, and I think. A self-care practice is how we can kind of get out of our mind, shut off those responsibilities around us and like get in our body. [00:02:12] Cara: And I don't feel like there's anything I've ever heard more than belly dancing that really allows that. So like I love that so much. How long have you been doing that for? [00:02:22] Sarah: for about a year. Yeah, I was, I was a postpartum like a few months and I just thought, okay, my husband, I encourage him to go to hockey and meet his friends and stuff, and this was my first thing that I allowed myself after having two kids, [00:02:37] Cara: Oh my gosh. I love that. I love that. So yeah, self-care looks different for everyone. And so sometimes it flows with our life, what may speak to each person. And, um, dancing has definitely been something that I have reintroduced myself. It really connects with my inner child. yeah, it brings me to my present moment. [00:02:57] Cara: Now, belly dancing has [00:03:00] never been a part of it, but I would definitely be interested in like signing up for a class to try it because in my mind I think I can belly dance, but I don't think my body agrees [00:03:09] Sarah: There's many times where I'm like, why isn't my hip moving? Or , you know, like, this is my, my body's not agreeing today, but it's good. You just get into the flow and there's nothing else that you have the opportunity to even think about. I'm not thinking about groceries, you know, I'm, I'm thinking about how I can move better, or, or do what my body wants to do. [00:03:27] Cara: now you go to a class for that. [00:03:29] Sarah: I do. Yes. Yeah. [00:03:30] Cara: Okay. So do you find yourself practicing at home as well, or is it mostly that you save it for when you're at the class? [00:03:38] Sarah: I mostly, I, I have every intention every week of practicing at home, but it's mostly just the Thursdays because life just gets crazy when you have a business and kids and life [00:03:49] Cara: Yes, [00:03:49] Sarah: Yeah. We have a, a belly dancing show coming up March 18th, and I am really, really behind [00:03:56] Cara: So will like your husband and kids come to watch you for [00:04:00] that? [00:04:00] Sarah: Yeah. but I am doing a surprise dance for him that I've choreographed and, dedicated to him, and it's his very first belly dancing song that he ever loved. I'm, I'm looking forward to that too. [00:04:10] Cara: Oh my gosh. I love that. I can't wait to stay tuned to hear the reaction. That's awesome. [00:04:15] Sarah: Totally [00:04:16] Cara: Now, I have always loved the idea of someone being a psychic and a medium, and I would love to know more of your story on when you first realized that you had these gifts. [00:04:29] Sarah: Great. Yes. I was told, I guess, um, that was, I was born a medium because I've always had this kind of, um, medium psychic connection to the world. I guess I, my very first memory of interacting with Spirit was I was, um, about four years old and I was in my room playing by myself, and I was in the hospital a lot and I had a. [00:04:50] Sarah: spirit that came to me and we played and she was very caring and interacting with me, or she would just be there or, that kind of thing. And then, um, as I was in [00:05:00] grade one, I was, writing, we were writing stories and I wrote about my friends and my teacher said, oh, you have such a great imagination. [00:05:08] Sarah: You're imaginary friends. And I was really, taken back, and I didn't know what she meant. And then it started to come together that, oh, these people are not seen by everybody. So that's, that's kind of how that started. [00:05:20] Cara: is this something that you've kind of delved into yourself? Have you been able to find like mentors along the way or taken like courses to help strengthen it? [00:05:31] Sarah: Yeah. well, when I was a teenager, I was very, very. interested in everything and I just wanted to explore. So I did and my girlfriends and I got into a little bit of trouble and, did some things that we shouldn't be doing and talking to people that we shouldn't be talking to. And, we did have a very physical, tangible experience that scared the pants off of all of us. [00:05:50] Sarah: So I squished it right down. So many mediums do in their, in their development. and then I was about, in my twenties, my early twenties, I started [00:06:00] picking up the divination tools again, such as, um, terra cards and pendulums. And then quite recently, when I was pregnant with my son, I did an initiation course with Danielle s the Squamish medium. [00:06:12] Sarah: Just straight up mediumship and I was really called to it. Uh, and then I just, I ran with it and I thought, oh my gosh, this is so much easier than trying to learn 78 cards of the tarot. Or, you know, I'm just too lazy for that. I don't got the time . And then this last about two years, I've just done development course after development course and, lots of audiobooks and just kind of putting my, feelers into everything. [00:06:34] Cara: Oh my gosh, I love that so much. And I just, that's something to be said. When something really like calls to you and then you follow, what leads you to strengthen that? And I think that self-development, especially when you're going into your. Gifts is just so motivating and that, that your children are seeing that and that, um, I think that's like as a mom, like that's the most empowering thing that you can do for yourself and for your children. [00:06:58] Cara: So that's awesome. [00:06:59] Sarah: thank [00:07:00] you. [00:07:00] Cara: I have a question because I can't say that I've ever considered myself a psychic or medium, and I'm not sure you would be the person to answer this, but I figured I would try and ask, [00:07:10] Sarah: Perfect. [00:07:11] Cara: um, I have had, um, dreams that have come true reoccurring dreams that have come true, and I've had people that have passed away come to me in my dreams and it usually is them one like very sh close after they've passed over. [00:07:28] Cara: It hasn't been where they've been gone for a long time. And I definitely feel that sort of connection one. , is there a way that I can bring that connection closer? or do you have any advice on how to kind of navigate that at all with the courses and stuff that you've done? [00:07:45] Sarah: Yes. especially when we dream about our loved ones, obviously that's very much a connection. I always say that your body and your soul knows exactly what's going on. It's just your monkey brain like, gets in the way and says, no, no, that, that, that's not [00:08:00] happening. [00:08:00] Sarah: I've recently started a practice. Sleep Yoga, which is a Daoist practice, and it's going to sleep. I'm not a in instruct instructor. I don't do great with this kind of thing, . But there's two different ways that you can have this sleep, yoga, and it's going asleep very intentionally and with the intention of trying to connect with your loved one or with that idea of your intuition. [00:08:24] Sarah: when you go to sleep, there's two different ways that you can do it where you sort of, um, you take the energy from your feet and then you slowly move it up and you move it up into your brain and you get that energy back into your brain while you're falling asleep. Um, so definitely less connection with our phones. [00:08:39] Sarah: That's something I really struggle with at Night. , and then also in Doism, they suggest for sleep, yoga to put, um, a bowl of water. Near your head and do sort of the same thing. And then the water element is what helps bring in your intuition. And then when you wake up in the morning, sitting on the edge of the bed and allowing yourself to digest and actually,[00:09:00] remember everything that came to you and digesting that throughout the day and asking for more information. [00:09:05] Sarah: And with Daoism, they pretty much only, well they say 40 minutes is the ideal time, but you can, meditate for five. And they suggested do those kind of things to just help with that connection and, um, slowing down your monkey brain so that way you have more space to come to have these messages come in. [00:09:23] Cara: Wow. I feel like you just blew my mind with that because I, I was like, is there something tangible I can do with this? Because, I can usually feel if this dream has some sort of like, this is going to happen or this is just a message, like I can usually decipher between the two. But I haven't figured out how to channel it. [00:09:43] Cara: at. and I'm, I'm gonna have to look into that. My self-development, like inner, that's like my thing, obviously this podcast. And so like I will be connecting with that. So thank you so much for sharing that. That's beautiful. [00:09:56] Sarah: Of course. Any time, [00:09:57] Cara: So I would love to hear about your personal [00:10:00] journey into the person you are today and maybe how that's helped you in into becoming a medium and a psychic. [00:10:06] Sarah: Thank you for the opportunity. I have quite a story. I'm gonna try and keep it short so I don't bore any of your. Listeners, . Uh, so I did grow up with, a very traumatic childhood. It was very, um, one of my first memories, is actually my stepdad being abusive to my mom and myself. So that's, that was my developmental fault in those first couple years. [00:10:27] Sarah: so I, that's been a huge part of my development in my thirties, is working with all of. Shadow side work or whatever they call it, the trauma, that sort of thing. and with doing that, I've really leaned into what my body and my spirit calls for. I also don't know my biological father, so I've always had this yearning for connection my whole life. [00:10:48] Sarah: I really did lean into it more so when I moved out, when I was on my own, because I had that freedom. My mother is Catholic, so that kind of stuff. Is not really talked about . I did more so just [00:11:00] personal personal development and, fiddling around. While I was under 20, I went to, um, school to be a pilot and worked at WestJet for, Westchester, a large. [00:11:09] Sarah: Airline in Canada, um, for almost 10 years. And then I realized, hey, this is not feeding my soul as well. So then I went back to school and got a degree in nursing. And, that human connection is what really helped me understand that I do have this intuition and I do have empathy, and I have, something more to my soul than, than just doing menial. [00:11:31] Sarah: Or anything like that. Uh, so then I, I just leaned right into it. the last two years I've just been saying yes to a lot more things and, really just going straight into mediumship and trusting myself and trusting spirit. I always tell people that it's not a matter of spirit showing up. [00:11:46] Sarah: It's a matter of you noticing that they're there. So it's more so just than about me. , calming myself down and finding out what ways to work through my specific, even just like my body trauma that I, have going forward. [00:12:00] and, and then, and working forward with myself, my body, my soul and spirit and, and just honestly finding a mesh of everything that works really well. [00:12:08] Sarah: So it wasn't one specific thing, it was just like a roller coaster of up and down and a lot of learning curves. [00:12:15] Cara: Well, thank you for sharing and being vulnerable. You know, that definitely sounds like a hard childhood to go through, and as I've like interviewed people with their. Steps into making them, having, having this connection with spirit. I, I find that there is always some sort of trauma that's kind of maybe held them back and then propelled them forward. [00:12:37] Cara: listeners, I feel like. , when they hear someone else's story, it actually feels like a connection to them, if that speaks to them. So, I think sharing your story is definitely not a burden and I appreciate you being open with that. And just kind of talking about how you have been following the steps and that connection with yourself. [00:12:57] Cara: I think that. The [00:13:00] most important thing in someone's spiritual development because if they don't understand how they operate as a person, how, what speaks to them, they're kind of gonna keep coming into these roadblocks. And so I did look up your human design and I do find that someone that is on the spiritual path is definitely, operating with their human design at some capacity. [00:13:24] Cara: And so some things that you talked about was feeling if, if something was right for you and that would be your sacral inner authority. I also have a sacral inner authority. And that just means that in your body you will get either a Aha or a Uhuh. And if you don't get either of those, it's a not right now. [00:13:44] Cara: And so it sounds that like you are leaning into that already and so, um, kudos to you. But I think again, with that self-awareness that comes to a piece of that. Having a sac, I do feel like once you know it's there, once you start [00:14:00] listening to it, It's hard not to, and if you're not listening to it, I do feel like, it can turn into like health issues. [00:14:07] Cara: Like I had, you know, GI issues that I was burnt out. There were so many things happening in my body, and I think it's like if you're not listening to that SAC role or that intuition, you know, I feel like that's a big piece of that intuition. It can affect yourself, your health and all those around you. [00:14:24] Cara: Um, knowing that you are built with a yes or no in your body, and then knowing that I'm sure your children and your husband are probably not built that way. And so I, I don't know their human designs, but I think that was the most empowering thing for me was I know if someone gives me the options, you know, like. [00:14:44] Cara: For example, you know, my husband's like, what do you wanna watch tonight? And I'm like, that's not how I operate. You need to give me three choices and I will tell you if one speaks to me. And if one doesn't, then you get to decide. I don't have that in me. my husband is an emotional authority and he needs [00:15:00] time to process it, and he's always told me that. [00:15:03] Cara: he's always known that about himself. But like, it wasn't until I looked at his human design where I realized that he doesn't instantly know if it's a yes or no. yeah, that's one way of that you are living with your human design are a generator, and so your goal is to listen to your gut and build things, and so you're meant to. [00:15:22] Cara: transform ideas into something tangible and enjoy the process without rushing through life. Because if you feel like you have to get something asap, that is very unhealthy for your design energetically. So how does that feel, knowing these things that you're kind of, you're kind of doing it. [00:15:41] Sarah: Yes. Yeah, that's, um, it feels good. That feels really good, , but it definitely is. Me to a t like I I definitely get that very strong. Yep. Or no, and it's right there and it's, it's not anything I can ignore. And if it's not there, then it's like, I don't know all the time because I'd rather [00:16:00] say, I don't know, than commit to something and then have to go back on it. [00:16:03] Sarah: and. Almost guarantee that my husband and my children, and all my family would ask if that Sacl part was sassiness, if that's where that came from. But , I think that's just a part of Sarah's design, not human design, [00:16:17] Cara: Yeah. Yeah. [00:16:18] Sarah: am a generator too, and I. I push, push, push. [00:16:22] Sarah: I create, like right now I'm creating two businesses at the very exact same time and it's, um, it's a lot, but I, it really easily gets burnt out for sure. So I. [00:16:31] Cara: Yeah. Yeah. I would just say, you know, my suggestion is when you start to feel frustrated, that is your sign to take a step back and say, what am I forcing right now? Because I can attest to someone building a business for the last few years. . while there are steps for you to have a successful business that business coaches suggest that you need, there's so many times where I made things way more complicated than [00:17:00] it needed to, that if I just kind of sat back and said like, Ooh, my body is saying that this isn't, this isn't necessary right now. [00:17:07] Cara: or to even say, Hey, universe, if this is meant for me to work on right now, make it easy and show me the way. And I've had people in my life come outta nowhere to help me with these things, or even apps to help me with these things. And so that would just be my suggestion to not get you the point of burnt out because the one thing I that's really hard is. [00:17:31] Cara: Once you commit to something, it's really hard for you to take a step back. And so, just being aware, and it sounds like you're aware of not committing to things that don't let you up, but you know, that frustration, that's your sign of being like, Hmm, am I forcing something? Does that make [00:17:47] Sarah: agree with that. Yes, [00:17:49] Cara: If you want to learn more about human design, I have a free interactive workbook This workbook will help you decode your human design so you can start tapping [00:18:00] into how you're uniquely made. And that power that's within you. By unlocking and using your human design chart, you're able to connect and understand and honor your soul while increasing harmony and success in your life. [00:18:11] Once, you know, what powers your energetic circuitry, you will have the self-awareness tools to engage in your highest perspective. [00:18:18] Human design supports, empowers and aligns your relationships, career and home life. It's time for you to look within at how powerful you are and show up as your authentic self. Head to to get yours today. [00:18:32] Cara: Okay. Okay, perfect. another piece of your human design is that you are a, a two four profile. And ultimately that line, that two line is, that means you are selective or you're an introvert, and so that you have a need for alone time so that you can feel what feels good to you, and then follow that. but then that four piece is that networker or that opportunist. So that means you have [00:19:00] a need for expansion and a deep wanting to share your knowledge with your community. And so I feel like, again, I feel like you are stepping into that. So, [00:19:09] Sarah: Thank you. Yes. I love that [00:19:12] Cara: So I know that you mentioned that you have, uh, two small kids, and I would love to know how becoming a mom or your children in general have influenced your spiritual path. [00:19:24] Sarah: Perfect. well, when I, my husband and I really struggled to have my daughter. we had her infertility issues and lots of drug center interventions. And, so while I was pregnant I was very, very, very conscious of, Stepping into who I am and, um, how to, um, embrace who I am and what I am and what I do so that I can unapologetically be me, because that's what I want for my daughter. [00:19:48] Sarah: So I've, um, she's three and a half now, so I've, tried to continue that. When I was pregnant with my son, I was very, very, very sick and in incredible amounts of pain. Um, I was on opioids for most of my [00:20:00] pregnancy, and it was, So much pain, . Um, and that's when I really did start to lean into the emotional aspect and the spiritual aspect because I had nothing else to do. [00:20:09] Sarah: Also, , I was just laying there all the time, just trying to put in my time so that he was healthy. and then. When he was born, it was a very spiritual experience for me because there was so much back and forth of was he going to make it? Was I gonna make it? Were we both gonna be okay? Was he gonna have to go to the icu? [00:20:27] Sarah: All that kind of stuff. and so I did start to listen to that inner knowing and really trusting what I was getting and trusting that he was gonna be okay and trusting, just myself too with my skills as a mom and a nurse and all that kind of stuff. And then, As he got a bit older, he was very sick. [00:20:44] Sarah: He had R S V and Covid and the flu. And There were two times that I resuscitated my baby with my bare hands. whew. And that is just something that. it changes a person, it changes a person in its entirety. my, the second [00:21:00] time that we resuscitated my son, it had taken 20 minutes for the ambulance to arrive a few months before. [00:21:05] Sarah: and that is a very long time when you baby's not breathing on their, on their own. so then last time then, I just got my husband up cuz he was starting to go to sleep. Got my husband up, he held my son and then I drove like a bat outta hell to the hospital in a few minutes. And and it's very strange because the way that I remember it, I remember everything very removed. [00:21:27] Sarah: Like it's almost like I'm in third person and I feel like, I really was supported through all of that. I really, really was. And then like even just watching it and replaying it in my brain because there's so many things that trigger that, especially, you know, that was September and now it's March, so it wasn't too long ago. [00:21:45] Sarah: I just remember them crawling on top of me and giving him an IV and resuscitating him again. And just, you know, trying leaning on my husband and leaning on spirit and, and anyone that would hold me. And it was, Quite a journey. And then, uh, when we went forward [00:22:00] to, we did go to the Children's Hospital, um, after that obviously and, it was, there was so many prompts and so many, um, little taps on my shoulder and for some reason, I don't know why I asked my, my husband to bring a journal and I immediately had journal prompts in my brain and it. [00:22:19] Sarah: Um, it was way too early for me, but it was the day after the experience and I journaled about it and I journaled about, how I felt through everything. And to me it was just so empowering and, and it was so much strength that I never knew that I had. just the di like the dichotomy of having to be completely still and leaning over my son's crib, willing him to take a breath. [00:22:40] Sarah: Just sitting there by myself and journaling. It was, um, and being empowered by spirit. It was such a, such a, a weird balance. But it, it really helped me see that I am supported and that there, there are answers and there are people on the other side that are just there to help. And I do have that connection to them and I just [00:23:00] have to, like, like I said before, I have to. [00:23:02] Sarah: Be open for it because they're always there and it was a really, really good reminder that it's not, if they're there, it's if I'm ready for them to be there. [00:23:10] Cara: that's a powerful experience. I mean, it does show that you are divinely supported and that you are. very strong and that a mother to have to deal that. Not once, but twice. I mean, oh my gosh, my like love is with you. I like had chills during that whole time. And just knowing that like journaling after, it's like I know your story will help so many people to know that. [00:23:36] Cara: Like when you lean into that spiritual connection and know that you are surrounded and loved and oh my gosh, that's, you're so strong. So you're doing an awesome job and [00:23:48] Sarah: Thank you. [00:23:49] Cara: wow. [00:23:49] Sarah: Uh, it was also a really neat little, I guess you could say neat, um, intervention because both times that my son stopped breathing, I, we were already in bed and we [00:24:00] were completely ready to go to sleep, and I just had this little reminder or this little pop in my head that said, just look on the kid. [00:24:07] Sarah: And I have this app on my phone, and I immediately came up to Logan and I immediately knew he wasn't breathing because our outlet wasn't working that time. So he didn't have any alarms going off. And it was just the fact that I looked at him that one second and I raced there. And without that little push, you know, who knows? [00:24:25] Sarah: But I, I felt incredibly grateful because that's something that was absolutely a divine intervention. So, Just the whole kitten caboodle was, was a really powerful lesson. [00:24:35] Cara: Wow. Yes. I mean, there's something to be said about that, like mother's intuition so powerful that that happened. And again, like showing that divine support that you have. . And you know, I think the one thing that might be blocking and not blocking, but I think so many people are so busy in their life that like Spirit is trying to communicate with them and show [00:25:00] that then they're supported that they're hard on themselves in general, like they're not doing enough. And that, you know, this is like my plea to like finding that connection with yourself so that you can have a connection with that support, with spirit around you. Um, and I feel like your story shows that so much. [00:25:17] Cara: And so again, thank you for sharing and being vulnerable with all that. [00:25:21] Sarah: Thank you. [00:25:21] Cara: Who you're connected to spiritually, do you know them? Do you, um, like, do they have names or do you feel like there's someone, um, that has been in your life but that has passed away? do you have any insight on that at all? [00:25:35] Sarah: Yes. Yeah, actually it's, it's something that's really neat to watch on my daughter and my son's. baby camera kind of thing. I see spirit in there all the time. They both always have orbs all the time, and I constantly, interacting with, my husband's grandparents. [00:25:51] Sarah: They're always very, very, very present. And it's really, really interesting because I will be feeding my son or having time with my son, and he'll be looking off, what are [00:26:00] you giggling at? And then I look over and it's like, oh, there's grandpa. Like we have a really good relationship that way. [00:26:04] Sarah: And then my papa. . I was really close to him when I was younger, and he pops in quite a bit. And it's really funny because when I give other readings to other people in my family, um, he has a few, uh, ways of telling me like, Hey, hurry up, let's go. Like, let's get connecting. . He likes to knock on the door and flicker the lights. [00:26:22] Sarah: When I'm connecting with like my cousins and stuff, , so like, Hey, it's my turn. Stop talking. just a couple different family members like that. And, um, I, my one spirit guide, uh, his name is Phil, which I always find really funny because it's not like this Grand Master, it's just like, oh yeah, that's Phil. [00:26:38] Sarah: and, uh, and he's my mediumship and he's really funny and crass and, gives me a lot of little giggles in the day and stuff like that. So I, I do try to stay connected to spirit team quite a bit, but, it's honestly, Very active in our house. And even last night I got up to go to the bathroom at like, you know, midnight around there and there was a little visitor and I was just in the dark and I was like, not [00:27:00] right now. [00:27:00] Sarah: And I just went back to bed and it's all over. [00:27:03] Cara: Yeah. I actually that you said that I got woken up. Outta nowhere at like 5:00 AM and then, so I was like laying in bed and I've turned this new practice into like, I used to have a lot of sleep issues, um, especially like around my pregnancy, after my pregnancy. And I just had a lot of issues with it. [00:27:20] Cara: I think it was me not listening to my intuition and spirit was trying to be like, wake up, you need to stop doing this kind of stuff. And so my sleep has actually gotten way better. But this morning, I got up at like 5:00 AM I do this thing now where I'm like, what's. [00:27:34] Cara: Messages do you have for me today? And it was so weird. Within five minutes my son got up to use the, the restroom and he was fine, but I was like, Hey bud, it's early. You gotta go back to bed. You have school today. Um, and he's like, but I'm scared. I want you to lay with me. And so I just honestly felt like spirit was like, Hey, you're just gonna have to go lay with your son so he could go back to sleep. [00:27:55] Cara: Cuz normally he would not go back to sleep. And so I went and laid with him and so I was like, was. [00:28:00] Was this what Spirit was trying to tell me? And I was like, I think, I think it was so, um, yeah, I, yeah. I, thanks for sharing about your, you know, do you call them your guides, your angels? What? What's your name for your team? [00:28:14] Sarah: Yeah, my, my guides mainly. And um, yeah, I just say my team or spirit in general and because sometimes with a lot of my readings, Two. Um, I won't necessarily get a person, but it's, just like a, a knowing from spirit in general. So it's not like I can say, Hey, your sister's over here and she's saying this, but you know, it's a general knowing with a lot of validation. [00:28:35] Sarah: So it's kind of, yeah, it's kind of a bit of everything. [00:28:39] Cara: Yeah, I love that. I always like to share this little story about my family and, um, so. It's a little crass, but this is just my family for you. Um, before my grandmother passed away, she always said that she was gonna come back as a bird, and shit on our cars to let us know that she was watching over us. [00:28:56] Cara: And so, my father had passed away [00:29:00] and we came home from the hospital and there was this little room that he always hung out in. And, Yeah, there was a bird in there and so I felt like it, it was one of those, like, it was obviously, obviously a sad day that my dad had passed away and we were, you know, like shooken up when we came home and it brought so much like humor that we kind of needed trying to get this bird out of the house. [00:29:24] Cara: Like the screen wouldn't open. And so it was just kind of a chaos, especially because this room, Normal ceilings and the rest of the house was lofted. So we knew if we opened the door it was gonna be harder to get the bird out. So there was only one way. And so that was actually, that evening was um, I would say the first time I really felt like someone that had passed away came to visit me and it was my dad and. [00:29:48] Cara: but I was like scared. Like I was like, oh my gosh. And if you knew my dad's humor, like he was trying to like play around, he was like trying to grab my foot and I was like, I can't handle this right now. I [00:30:00] think now I would probably be able to. But um, yeah, that was like my first experience of that. And so birds have always been this, you know, relation to, my dad and even both of my grandmothers. [00:30:12] Cara: I have been in the, in the realm of like surrendering. You know, I have this problem with overworking myself, kind of like trying to be too productive or being too hard on myself. Trying to like prove my worth by doing too much is. Kind of a reoccurring thing that I have. And so I've made this commitment to surrendering to the universe and I was like, show me I'm on the right path. [00:30:34] Cara: Show me that doing less is gonna gi give me more. I was in the kitchen and I like heard a bird right outside the door and I was like, oh, well we have a screened in patio that has a door shut and a bird started to build a nest up in there. And I was like, oh, okay. So, um, that's just So I love that yeah, I feel like when we're kind of clear and open, you know, those around us will kind of, show up. [00:30:58] Cara: And so, yeah, I guess my family [00:31:00] are birds, you know, like my card does usually have bird poop on it more than I would like, but I guess that's just their way to let me know that they're with me. [00:31:09] Sarah: Yeah. Hi, Grammy [00:31:11] Cara: Yes. How you doing? So is, is there something that you can maybe help me and listeners and viewers uncover and strengthen their like spiritual connection with loved ones or just even with their intuition? [00:31:26] Sarah: Yes. I, I love, I love talking about meditation because I feel that a lot of people think that it's this huge commitment. I have to carve out an hour in my day and I have to find the perfect recording, or I have to do the perfect thing, but it's such a different. Modality for everybody. You know, there's, there's ways, like I was talking about earlier, like the daoists just sit there and, um, the, the idea with the breath work is that you are breathing so gently that uh, you can't move a down feather kind of thing, so you just. [00:31:56] Sarah: you can just carve out five minutes, three minutes to just [00:32:00] sit there, close your eyes gently if that feels right, and just focus on your breath. And if I can't quiet my monkey brain, I just follow my breath and I say, breathe in and breathe out. And just giving that time to be able to have that silence allows for the moment of spirit to come in and be like, oh, oh my gosh. [00:32:18] Sarah: Oh. Hi, you're here now. So it, it gives that little opportunity for that connection and just having that trust in yourself. And it doesn't have to be a huge practice. Like, I think, um, I, I heard on your podcast as well as when we spoke to, you know, some moms just when they go to the, the washroom and just sit on the, floor, anything like that for a few minutes to have some time by themselves. [00:32:41] Sarah: That's a meditation practice on its own too, because you're just going inwards. Quieting your brain and your body, so it doesn't have to be this huge practice. And that's really what I'm trying to, to help people see is that, you know, it doesn't have to be something that's crazy. You can, really work it into your life and it changes. [00:32:59] Sarah: [00:33:00] It changes so much about your life. Just having that moment of silence and connection. [00:33:04] Cara: Yeah, I love that so much, and I can attest to that a thousand percent. I felt like it took like, the lockdown and covid for me to uncover that. And I ended up having a meditation and my future self came in and was like, This is what your life can look like. And I was working at the time and I was burnt out and I was like, okay, there's, there's no way that I'm could stop doing hair. [00:33:29] Cara: Like that's the only way I make money. And you know, fast forward a few months later and I like woke up and was like, oh my gosh, that meditation showed me what was possible. And so that's kind of the inspiring thing for me is like spirit shows me glimpses of what I desire. And what I want in life. And then I just say like, show me how to get there. [00:33:53] Cara: Show me the steps. Show me what I need. And if we're so busy doing things and we don't allow that time [00:34:00] to connect with ourselves, without our phone, without, you know, outside influences coming in, like we won't be able to connect with that. And so it's. It doesn't have to be hours at a time like I do usually do not sit in a meditation for more than 15 minutes tops. [00:34:16] Cara: And you know, just finding those ways of like even walking in nature. I went on a paddle boarding trip. A couple weeks ago, and that allows me to kind of have a meditated state and all these questions I've been searching the internet trying to find through creators came to me in that time. And so it's like, why am I working so hard outside of myself to get these answers? [00:34:41] Cara: And so, yeah, listen to Sarah because it's powerful when we give ourselves that time. Right. [00:34:47] Sarah: Yes. And even being in nature or, a good way that I like to look at it and to think about it too, is to not think of, be of it as loneliness, thinking, thinking of it as alone because it's different. [00:35:00] It's not that yearning for connection, it's connecting with yourself while be like being alone and just seeing what you need. [00:35:06] Sarah: So there's, you know, some people think, well, I'm just so lonely. If you transform that into alone and, and empower yourself with that, it's beautiful too. So that's what I mean about different meditation practices, like, like just going out paddle boarding or walking, you know, that's a meditation practice too. [00:35:22] Sarah: And I really want people to start to realize that because, you know, you can go for a five minute walk and that's your meditation too. Like, it's, there's many beautiful different ways to connect with your inner inner soul and, [00:35:32] Cara: Yeah, If you are open to it, would you like to see if some sort of, mediumship or psychic messages come through, or even I do have a dog that's a little skittish. Um, any of it, I'm open to whatever may come through with you if anything comes at all. [00:35:51] Sarah: Let's see. do you work with angels? [00:35:55] Cara: I've been, um, calling in to my Angels and guides, um, every morning before I pull [00:36:00] cards. And so I don't know who comes through, but, so I, I called to both of them. [00:36:04] Sarah: Okay. as soon as I started to connect into your energy, I saw a big angel, like big angel energy, and I don't see that around, um, a lot or most people actually. So I feel, um, what is that? I feel like. You're, uh, like I'm seeing you being completely enveloped by this large male, um, angel. And I'm sorry, I don't really work with angels, so I don't know who is who in the zoo, but [00:36:30] Sarah: Um, but I, I just feel like you do have a lot of support from, I, I'm seeing like a rather large spirit team and then this really large, um, angel that like comes up and it, Almost like a protection layer of his wings. I feel like. I see, just kind of, um, encompassing your whole energy. [00:36:48] Sarah: Like he's, he's really huge. I feel like he's been present. Like, I feel like he is been, making himself, um, noticed and trying to bring in your attention. I feel like he's trying to [00:37:00] kind of get your attention, he's there to support you and show you that you are on the right path. And I'm seeing like a big, a yellow brick road. [00:37:06] Sarah: And that yellow brick road for me is a sign with spirit that, that there's change coming because there's, um, usually like I'm seeing a fork in the road and this way is a yellow brick road. And then this way is into like an adventure. like a forest kind of thing. And I feel like there's guidance to go up this way and I feel like you're going this way, but I feel like where there's little side adventures on this road. But I do feel like, change that is ha Yeah. I feel like that's change where you've, you've crossed the fork in the road and you're going on this direction and it's really bright and shiny gold. [00:37:37] Sarah: I'm seeing a lot of, yellow, so I feel like it's very much on the, on the right path. the yellow, to me symbolizes more so, um, like a, a peace and a calmness about it and there was this way that was, um, quite an adventure, but more like, Kind of getting lost in the forest and lots of distractions and, um, not as much light as what I'm seeing. And then this way they're showing me now that it's like you have the [00:38:00] spirit team and it's like the tin man and the lion, and it's like a big spirit team going towards the right direction. [00:38:06] Sarah: And then it's like your soul is. is like the Wizard of Oz kind of thing. So it's like this road going towards the Wizard of Oz, because I feel like there's a few more changes coming for you too, that there's a change coming in. I feel like intuition, like there's something different that will come. [00:38:21] Sarah: how, okay, how does that look? It's like a. see the picture. It's, and, and then I have to decipher it. So that's kind of what I do when I am like, how do I say that? . so they're showing me kind of like a little side step, I guess you would say, of delving deeper into like, they're showing me going inwards. [00:38:40] Sarah: So a little bit more inner work coming up, on. More masculine side. So I feel like it's, um, starting to connect more to your divine masculinity as well, to have more of that ying and yang kind of thing. and then another one that's coming up, but it feels like it's more so towards the end of the year and it's like a more of a femininity. [00:38:59] Sarah: [00:39:00] track. And what is that? I feel like there's, there's a lot of, um, I don't wanna say changes. I don't feel like change is necessarily the right word, but, deviations is kind of the word that comes to mind. So it's like still on your path, but then there's these other things that are being, um, added to what you do and how you serve. [00:39:16] Sarah: I feel like it's more of like your servitude, and making it in a way that, not easier, easier, doesn't really encompass it, I feel like. just makes it like different ways of connecting inward for yourself and then also inward for other people. Helping people see their inner connect connectedness. [00:39:32] Sarah: And I see people, I see you helping people with like their nerves and nervous system. Like I, I'm almost seeing, seeing like a silhouette of someone that's just a whole bunch of nerves in a. So I feel like that is something that, is on your path that's coming as well. Um, but I do feel like that, um, like divine masculinity, I feel like there's a shift coming there with your intuition. [00:39:53] Sarah: And then another thing kind of more like, yeah, I just keep seeing like, nerves, nervous system, something like [00:40:00] that with the body. I'm just seeing like the silhouette with the nerves. does any of that resonate with you, [00:40:05] Cara: Very much so. I've had a lot of, secret projects in the works, and so I keep getting the message that's. You know, it's coming and that I am someone that needs to kind of, like, one of the things I pride it on is like getting the tools to kind of be that guide for other people. you know, I've actually connected with some people who work on the nervous system, so that might be something with it. [00:40:28] Cara: But I also know with human design, like I know sometimes it looks like that energetic circuitry could also maybe speak into it, but I'm not, you know, a hundred percent with. [00:40:37] Sarah: Okay. [00:40:38] Cara: everybody's always told me that I have a lot of protection and a lot of like entities around me. And so I think sometimes I do doubt that a little bit because I can't see them, but I feel them. [00:40:51] Cara: so I think it's just more. , um, figuring out how that really speaks to me. I think one thing for me that I have a hard time with is like, I always try to like[00:41:00] connect with them through my crown and I notice that I do much better when I'm grounded in my body. And so like, I just feel like so many times when you're like trying to. [00:41:10] Cara: Strengthen your like psychic abilities. Like you think it's that way and I just find more in that groundedness. but I did want , I did wanna show, I had my Aura read and they were like, oh my gosh, look at all like those are the orbs of protection [00:41:24] Sarah: Oh wow. [00:41:25] Cara: pretty much angels and guides. And my friend was like, holy crap. [00:41:28] Cara: I was like, cuz she got hers done too. And so, Yeah. I just feel like I need to strengthen that connection and yeah, so much of that, the yellow brick road, I mean, I even have um, like a gold journal that like has a yellow brick road. Like tell, like that you write your goals out on it. And so like, so much of that resonated. [00:41:48] Cara: So thank you so much for sharing and. . I felt it. I felt the chills. And um, now I feel like I'm gonna have to look up some angels and see what comes through [00:42:00] because, I went to a Mind, body Spirit Expo, um, a few weeks ago, and she had said, I wanna say it was Arch Angel Michael that came through. [00:42:09] Cara: So I might have to. , do that. But I, yeah, I get so many comments of like, you are so protected more than, you know, and that, I do feel like there are people out there that like, have it out for me and that if it wasn't for these angels, getting them off my path. Um, because when I first started this, I, there was a lot of that. [00:42:29] Cara: There was a lot of people that, were just like trying to come for me and it didn't make me feel good and then it just stopped and I. [00:42:35] Sarah: Hmm. [00:42:36] Cara: But I also think I strengthened that connection with Spirit and, they've been on my team ever since. So I'll keep, I'll keep 'em there. [00:42:44] Cara: Yeah. [00:42:44] Sarah: Um, one [00:42:45] Cara: Well, thank you. [00:42:46] Sarah: wanna [00:42:46] Sarah: close off with is that they want to really, um, emphasize that there's no end where you get, it's not like there is an end to your yellow brick road. It's a constant path that is [00:43:00] lifelong and there's no when I get there because they do want me to say, you are already there. [00:43:05] Sarah: You're just adding more into being there. So I just wanted to end with that [00:43:10] Cara: Awesome. Yes, thank you. I've actually been really trying to, be in that gratitude of like feeling like I'm already there and really having that practice of there was so many things. You know, Kara a hairdresser of 19 years longed for, and I'm there. You know, there are some missing pieces and I think honestly the more I'm grateful for the things that I desired that I have now, like those things will come in and um, yeah, just really try to be. [00:43:41] Cara: in the present moment of the now instead of like reaching and reaching for these goals because every time I would work through and hustle through and not listen to my body or my intuition, you know, it leads us to burnout, right? [00:43:52] Sarah: Absolutely, totally [00:43:54] Cara: yes. Yeah. Well, um, I really appreciate this [00:44:00] conversation. I love, um, everything that we've talked about, but I think the most important thing is I want you to share with listeners your offerings and what you're up to and how they can connect with you. [00:44:11] Sarah: Awesome. Thank you. Uh, so I, I am a professional psychic medium. I, uh, you can reach me at Sarah Powell ca so that's s a r a h p o w e l I give professional psychic medium read. Readings, animal communication readings. I am going on tour starting March 22nd across Canada for my mediumship, and I also am a spiritual mentor and I have, um, started to fulfill a calling to help people find soulfulness and connectedness in where they are in their careers and their jobs and, to help ignite their lives and their careers and level up to be, a spiritual being while still at work because I feel like a lot of. [00:44:52] Sarah: programs that have been created in the last five, 10 years. People are saying, I'll help you quit your job, but the world still needs nurses and dentists [00:45:00] and hairstylists and all sorts of things. So I have created a program on, um, how to create that soulfulness and connectedness with spirit while still maintaining the career that you've worked really hard. [00:45:12] Cara: I love all that. I will make sure everything you offer and how to get ahold of you and everything in this show notes, and I just appreciate your time and how we connected and good luck on your tour and yeah. Chat soon. [00:45:28] Sarah: Definitely. Thank you so much for, letting me use your platform and having a chat with you. It was a beautiful, beautiful gift. Thank you. [00:45:34] Cara: Thank you so much. [00:45:36] Cara: Thank you so much for joining me on today's episode, if this was your first time. Welcome. And if you've joined me for previous episodes, thank you so much for coming back before you go. Could you share my show with a friend and subscribe? Those few seconds may get big impact on my show and I'd be grateful for the support. [00:45:53] Cara: This interview was, Sarah I could feel the pain that she's been through and how she's transmuted it into something [00:46:00] beautiful. This interview was Sarah really spoke to me in my heart. Just hearing about all the things that she's been through to get to where she is today. How she's trend muted, pain into helping others and their journey. If you want to find out how to connect with Sarah, check the show notes. All the links mentioned, any ads that have been mentioned in this episode. [00:46:19] Cara: will [email protected] slash 55. We'll chat soon.
Floductivity Podcast Episode

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Each week, we bring you insightful interviews with experts in these fields, as well as solo episodes where we dive deep into topics like meditation, energy work, intuitive development, and how to bring wellness into your everyday life. Whether you're new to these practices or a seasoned pro, our podcast is the perfect place to elevate your intuition and connect with like-minded individuals.

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