Reviving Your Inner Wisdom A Woman's Journey Home through Human Design, Cycle Vitality, and Astrology



Building Your Self-Awareness Toolkit: A Journey to Self-Discovery

The first step on this transformative journey is cultivating self-awareness and connecting with what resonates with you on a soul-deep level. Recognizing that we are all unique, with our own sets of strengths and weaknesses, underscores the importance of incorporating daily self-care practices. Before we delve into the empowering tools of Human Design, Cycle Vitality, and Astrology, it's crucial to establish a toolkit that you can always return to. Personally, I cherish a diverse array of tools because, as cyclical beings, our energy and desires ebb and flow. Activities such as journaling, meditation, and simply talking things out have become vital in my toolkit. Currently, I find solace in going for long walks and engaging in self-conversations, even if it earns me a few curious glances. For me, the wisdom and inspiration that emerge during these moments are priceless, making the time invested well worthwhile.

Awaken Your Creative Self: A Journey of Self-Exploration

Discovering avenues to tap into your creativity, be it through writing, painting, or drawing, is a remarkable way to reconnect with your inner self. It's a means to speak to that inner child within you, nurturing a profound sense of self. Take a moment to ponder what activities ignite your creative spark.

For me, a transformative experience has been delving into ‘The Artist's Way.' This creative practice has been my compass in navigating the vast landscape of creative expression. It has not only clarified where I want to channel my energy but has also unveiled profound moments of gratitude. This journey has simplified my path, helping me discern what truly matters in life and what I yearn to create and embrace.

Other tools to enhance self-awareness and unlock your inner creativity include EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), breathwork, dream analysis, and carving out personal time for introspection. Activities like baths and hiking can also help you ground yourself in the present moment.

Remember, these tools are deeply personal, and only you can determine what resonates with your soul. Begin by creating a repository of practices that genuinely connect with your essence or those you aspire to try. It all starts with self-awareness and a willingness to explore your creative self.

Unlocking Your True Self: The Power of Human Design

In the journey to self-discovery, one of the profound tools I'd like to explore with you is Human Design. It's a remarkable system that weaves together elements of astrology, the I Ching, Kabbalah, and various spiritual and scientific disciplines to craft a distinctive blueprint tailored just for you. Importantly, Human Design isn't a rigid set of rules you must adhere to; instead, it's a transformative guide that has personally aided me in realigning with my authentic self.

Your Human Design chart unveils critical facets of your identity, including your energy type, strategy, authority, and life path. By comprehending your Human Design, you gain the capacity to make choices that resonate with your true essence, helping you sidestep unnecessary obstacles and resistance along your path.

So, how can we use Human Design as a foundational tool to reconnect with ourselves? It starts with understanding your “not-self” theme, which is unique to each energy type. This theme serves as a guiding light, alerting you when you're out of alignment with your true nature. In the following segments, I'll delve deeper into the specifics of Human Design and how it can be your compass on the journey back to self-discovery. 

Finding Your Signature: Your Inner Compass to Alignment

In our journey toward self-realization, we must understand that each energy type possesses a unique signature – a desired emotional state that signifies alignment with one's authentic self. This signature is the essence we strive to attain within our energy type. Conversely, the “not-self” theme represents how we feel when we deviate from our design, succumbing to societal conditioning and ignoring our inner authority in decision-making.

For Generators, satisfaction is the holy grail of alignment. When you're living in a state of contentment, you're in harmony with your true self. However, if frustration creeps in, it's a signal to pause and realign.

Manifesting Generators seek both satisfaction and freedom. These are the markers of living within their design. When frustration or anger surfaces, it's an invitation to reconnect with their authentic selves.

Manifestors yearn for peace when they're in alignment. If anger emerges, it's a cue to step back and rediscover that sense of tranquility within themselves.

Projectors aim for success, and when bitterness arises, it's an opportunity for them to introspect and find their way back to alignment.

Lastly, Reflectors thrive in harmony when they're living in their true signature. Disappointment, on the other hand, serves as a universal invitation to explore how they can realign with their authentic selves.

Understanding your signature and recognizing when you veer from it provides invaluable insights into the ongoing process of reconnecting with your true self. It's a journey worth undertaking as you strive for inner alignment and personal growth.

Empowering Decision-Making: Unleash Your Inner Authority

In our pursuit of realignment and inner harmony through Human Design, harnessing our inner authority is paramount. This internal compass, deeply rooted in the centers defined in our individual charts, is the key to making decisions that resonate with our true selves. Often, we've been conditioned to rely on our minds for decision-making, but the mind lacks a direct connection to power centers like the heart, sacral, self, or roots, hindering its ability to propel us forward on our path of manifestation.

Remember, the mind's purpose is to process, not decide. By tapping into your inner authority, you not only make wiser choices but also elevate your intuition, enhancing your ability to navigate life's complex decisions.

If your inner authority is sacral, listen to your gut. Your natural instincts are responsive, not proactive, and following them can lead to sound decisions. For those with an emotional or solar plexus inner authority, prioritize emotional clarity before acting. Rash decisions may lead to misalignment.

Splenic authority holders, trust your intuition. Make decisions without hesitation, bypassing overthinking. Learning to connect with this intuitive sense is pivotal for effective decision-making.

With self inner authority, be true to yourself. Speak your decisions aloud, not for others' input, but to gauge how they align with your feelings before taking action.

For those with heart or ego authority, follow your heart's desires, a subjective and personal process. When your heart's in it, clarity follows naturally.

Lastly, for those with outer, none, or environmental authority, access intelligence through deliberation. Avoid rushing decisions; instead, create a safe, conducive space to discuss with trusted individuals.

By understanding and embracing your inner authority, you empower yourself to make choices aligned with your true essence, ultimately leading to a more authentic and fulfilling life journey.

Energetic Alignment through Your Menstrual Cycle

Another transformative tool on my path to self-discovery has been embracing the wisdom of my menstrual cycle. Cycle vitality, a holistic approach to well-being, acknowledges our inherent cyclical nature, both in our bodies and lives.

By comprehending the natural rhythms of your menstrual cycle, you can unlock the potential to optimize your energy, creativity, and productivity. Aligning your actions with your cycle enables you to tap into profound reserves of power and vitality, making productivity your superpower.

My own spiritual awakening began with a detox, and a pivotal step was discontinuing birth control. It was a significant stride in my journey home to myself, allowing me to recognize that what I once criticized about myself was actually divine wisdom guiding me to honor my body. My symptoms vanished, and I embarked on an ultimate self-love journey.

Trust and honor the messages from your body, for therein lies the true essence of coming home to yourself. As you do so, you'll notice your energy and health returning, and you'll come to realize that you're not meant to juggle all tasks all the time – none of us are. This essence of self-care revolves around recognizing what your body needs, keeping in mind that our cycles are ever-changing. While tracking provides valuable insights, remember to leave room for adaptation. In upcoming episodes, I'll delve into the safe use of natural birth control methods, so stay tuned.

Now, let's explore how I personally utilize my cycle in my journey back to self. For instance, I've discovered that I'm most effective during my follicular phase, which aligns with spring. In this phase, I plan, akin to planting seeds, as it's the time to clarify my goals and intentions.

The follicular phase typically spans from day four to day seven, during which I meal plan, create content for my business, and outline my objectives. This phase is crucial for me because strategizing ahead of time ensures clarity in my energy allocation. 

When summer or ovulation arrives around day 14 to day 24, my energy peaks, lasting three to four days. This is when I implement my content creation plans and engage in activities that require substantial effort.This strategy is essential because it capitalizes on my heightened confidence and productivity. 

Moving into the fall or the luteal phase, which has two parts, the first section, spanning from around day 17 to day 35, is when I organize and complete tasks, ensuring I'm not overwhelmed before or during my period. The second part of the luteal phase brings emotional vulnerability, prompting me to distance myself from social media, prioritize self-care, and listen to my inner wisdom and intuition. This introspection significantly impacts my work, enabling me to work more efficiently with a profound sense of purpose.

Finally, we have winter, or menstruation, starting on the first day of your bleed. During this time, I prioritize rest, review my home and work life, and set intentions for the upcoming spring. I avoid making strenuous plans during menstruation, as pushing too hard during this phase leads to exhaustion and burnout.

Understanding your cycle is essential wisdom for every woman, as it empowers you to make informed decisions about your energy and well-being. This knowledge, far from being mystical, is grounded in your body's natural rhythms. By nurturing a relationship with your body and respecting its limits, you can avoid burnout, maintain good health, and unlock your full potential. It's a beautiful journey toward self-discovery and self-care that every woman deserves to embark upon.

Exploring Astrology: A Glimpse into Self-Discovery

Let's briefly explore the fascinating realm of astrology, touching upon its surface while leaving the intricate details to trusted experts. Astrology is a profound system that utilizes the positions of celestial bodies, including planets, to unveil insights into our personalities, life paths, and soul purposes.

I personally employ astrology as a tool to anticipate and align with the upcoming energies, aiding me in planning my life accordingly. I draw inspiration from the Zodiac signs and their movements, which guide the type of content I create. The phases of the full moon and new moon play pivotal roles in shaping my manifestations.

Astrology is a deeply personal and subjective process, one that I hold dear. I look forward to hosting experts who can delve into the nitty-gritty details of this captivating field in future episodes.

Your natal chart reveals your sun sign, moon sign, rising sign, and numerous other key facets of your astrological profile. By delving into your unique astrology, you can gain profound insights into your strengths, challenges, and aspirations, ultimately aiding you in aligning with your soul's purpose.

I personally use my astrology chart as a problem-solving tool. When faced with difficulties in specific areas of my life, I examine the corresponding house in my natal chart to understand the celestial influences at play. For those interested in dipping their toes into astrology, I offer a free, basic astrology cheat sheet, providing insights into the planets, placements, houses, and Zodiac signs to kickstart your astrological journey.

In conclusion, our journey through self-discovery has been an illuminating one, where we've uncovered the power of tools like Human Design, Cycle Vitality, and astrology. These are not just systems but profound guides that have helped us reconnect with our authentic selves. From understanding our energy types and inner authority in Human Design to harnessing the energy of our menstrual cycles through Cycle Vitality, and gaining insights from astrology's celestial wisdom, we've embraced holistic approaches to aligning with our true essence. The path of self-discovery is deeply personal, and these tools serve as companions on our unique journeys. As we continue exploring and expanding our understanding, may we find even deeper connections to our inner selves, enabling us to live more authentically and in harmony with the universe.

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Picture of Hi! I'm Cara

Hi! I'm Cara

You are designed with unique intuitive intelligence that can guide you into an extraordinary life, and my job is to help you uncover your power and live with greater ease and purpose.

NOTE: This podcast was transcribed by an AI tool. Please forgive any typos or errors. Reviving Your Inner Wisdom === [00:00:00] Cara: Are you looking to align with your soul desires, even your life purpose? Welcome to this episode. How to come home to yourself using tools like human design cycle vitality, and even astrology. This is a great episode and I can't wait to dive in. [00:00:18] Welcome to floductivity. The podcast that guides you on a transformative journey towards spiritual wisdom, self development and healing practices. All aimed at elevating your intuition and aligning you with your soul's purpose. I'm your host, Cara Dempsey. And I'm thrilled to have you joining me today as we learn together. Hello. And welcome back today. We're going to be talking about how to come home to yourself. Using some powerful tools like human design cycle, vitality and astrology. These tools can help you better understand your unique strengths, and align you with your life's purpose and your soul desires. [00:00:59] Cara: The [00:01:00] first step is building that self-awareness understanding what speaks to you on a soul level. And utilizing it in your life. We are all different. We have different strengths different weaknesses. And knowing there is an important factor of doing these things for yourself on a daily basis. So before we really dive into the tools of human design cycle, vitality and astrology. [00:01:28] Cara: It's creating a toolkit of these things that you can always come home to. I'm someone that I like to have a variety of tools in my toolkit because you know, we're cyclical beings and our energy changes what we want to do changes. And so some things that are really important to me are journaling. Meditation. [00:01:49] Cara: Talking it out. One of my favorite things to do right now is going for walks and talking and out. I find that my inner being, or my intuition is soft. [00:02:00] It's a very softly spoken. And sometimes it takes having a conversation with myself to really bring it out. If people look at me like I'm a little crazy, then that's on them. [00:02:10] Cara: Because for me, the knowledge and the inspiration I'm getting on these walks are well-worth this time for [00:02:16] Tap into our Creativity --- [00:02:16] Cara: myself. [00:02:17] Cara: Finding ways to tap into your creativity, whether that's writing, painting, drawing. Connecting with your creativity is an awesome way to come home to yourself and it helps you speak to that inner child. So think about what you crave to do that brings out your creativity. [00:02:34] Cara: Something I've been doing is called the artist's way. It is. A way that I've really connected with what I want to be in this creative world. It has helped me get clear on where I want to put my energy and what I'm really grateful for. It's helped me simplify to understand the things that I truly want to create and embrace in this life. Other ways that you can bring more self-awareness [00:03:00] and tap into you or intervene is EFT, which is emotional freedom, technique, breath, work. Working with your dreams. Having alone time for yourself. [00:03:10] Cara: Baths hiking. And just ways that help you become present in the moment. I can't decide these tools for you only, you can do that for yourself. So start a place where you can keep notes of things that, really help you tap into yourself or things that you're wanting to try. let's begin with that. Self-awareness. [00:03:31] Human Design --- [00:03:31] Cara: The next thing I'm going to talk about is understanding human design. Human design is a system that combines astrology. The, I Ching the Kabbalah and other spiritual and scientific disciplines to create a unique blueprint for you. It is not something you have to live by. But as something that has truly helped me get back into alignment with my true self, and I'm going to break down those reasons and why coming up. [00:03:57] Cara: You're human design chart [00:04:00] reveals your energy type, your strategy or authority and other key aspects of your personality. And your life path. By understanding your human design, you can make decisions that are in alignment with your true self. And avoid unnecessary resistance. [00:04:17] Cara: So let's dive in. What are some ways we can use human design on a foundational level to come home to ourself? The first place that you should start is your not self theme. Each energy type has a not self theme. And ultimately this is a guide. And when you're unaligned with the true version of [00:04:37] Signature equals alignment --- [00:04:37] Cara: yourself. [00:04:38] Cara: Each energy type also has a signature. The feeling that you're trying to go for within your energy type. The not self theme is how you feel when you're not honoring your design. It is what happens when we let our conditioning take over. And when we do not use our authority to help us in decision-making. So your signature and not self theme is how you can see if you [00:05:00] need to realign yourself. Generators. [00:05:03] Cara: When you feel satisfied, you're in alignment. That is what you're striving for. It's when frustration comes about that's when you need to take a step back and see how you can get realigned with your true self. [00:05:16] Cara: If you're a manifesting generator. You strive for satisfaction and freedom. When you're living with satisfaction and freedom, you are ultimately living within your design. When you start to feel frustration or anger, that is when you need to take a step back and get realigned with your true self. [00:05:36] Cara: Uh, manifester, you're looking for peace. When you are in alignment. And when anger arises, that's when you should. Take a step back and see what you need to do to get an realignment with yourself. And that's when you go to your toolkit and see how you can tap into your inner being. [00:05:54] Cara: Now projectors, they strive for success. And when that bitterness comes out, [00:06:00] that gives them an opportunity to see how they can get in realignment. And lastly the rare reflectors. [00:06:07] Cara: Harmony is when they are living in their true signature, but when they are disappointed, that is an invitation from the universe to say, how can I get an re alignments? [00:06:18] Inner Authority --- [00:06:18] Cara: Now the best way we can get in realignment is using our inner authority within human design. And that is how we make decisions. And it's based on what centers are defined in our charts. We have been conditioned to use our minds to make decisions, but there are no direct connection to the motor centers of the heart sacral, self or roots. Therefore it doesn't have the power to move us forward in our manifestations. [00:06:46] Cara: The mind is meant to process. Not decide. So tap into your inner authority to make wiser decisions and elevate your intuition. [00:06:55] [00:06:55] Cara: If your inner authority is sacral, you're meant to follow your gut. You were born with a natural [00:07:00] instinct that is meant to be responsive and not proactive. If you have an emotional or solar plexus, you're meant to be emotionally clear. You must seek emotional clarity before making any decision. Don't make rash decisions. [00:07:15] Cara: If you have a splenic authority. Trust your intuition. You were designed to make your decisions without hesitation before you get in your head. Learning how to connect with this intuitive sense is important for your decision-making. [00:07:29] Cara: If you have a self inner authority. You're meant to be true to yourself. You find yourself talking out decisions, not to get others' input. But to find out how it makes you feel before taking action. [00:07:41] Cara: If you have the heart or the ego authority. Do what you want. You need to [00:07:46] Cara: attuned to your heart's desires, which is a personal subjective process. If your heart's not in it. Your answers clear. [00:07:53] Cara: Lastly, outer, none or environmental. You are accessing intelligence. You must not [00:08:00] be rushed in your decision-making. You need to put yourself in a safe space. That feels good. And talk it out with trusted people. [00:08:08] Using your cycle for energetic Alignment --- [00:08:08] Cara: Another very important tool that propelled me into coming home to myself was my cycle. Using cycle vitality is a holistic approach to health and wellness that recognizes our cyclical nature. Our bodies and lives have within us. [00:08:25] Cara: But understanding the natural rhythms of your menstrual cycle, you can optimize your energy, your creativity, and especially your productivity. By aligning your actions with your cycle. You can tap into your deepest reserves of power and vitality. I say you can make productivity, your super power. [00:08:44] Cara: I began a detox in the beginning of my spiritual awakening and realize that getting off birth control was a huge step in coming home to myself. I realize all the things I would beat myself up about was divine wisdom in honoring [00:09:00] my body. My symptoms disappeared and I began this ultimate self-love journey. [00:09:05] Cara: A beginning to trust and honor the messages from my body. It is the true essence of coming home to yourself. I began to get my energy back my health back and understanding that I am not meant to do all the things all the time. No one is. [00:09:22] Cara: This is the essence of self care, and it is recognizing what your body needs, remembering that our cycles are always changing. So while tracking can help give you insight, you also need to leave room for adjusting. [00:09:35] Cara: One of the things I've wanted to bring onto the podcast is talking about how we can safely use natural birth controls. So stay tuned. It's coming soon. [00:09:46] Cara: So let's talk about how I use my cycle and coming home to myself. For example, I've found out that I plan best during my follicular phase or spring. And I like to use the analogy [00:10:00] of seasons because they align with it. You know, spring is when we plant seeds. it's the time where we're really trying to get clear on what we're trying to grow so that when it's time to flourish and grow, we already know what's been planted. [00:10:14] Cara: the follicular phase starts anywhere from day number four today. Number seven. This is where I meal plan. This is where I create content plan for my business. And what attentions and goals I will begin to create for. [00:10:27] Cara: Anytime I don't strategize before I start doing. I have so many ideas and I don't really get clear on what I'm trying to do. So this is a really important time for me to get clear on where my energy is going to be going. Because once, summer or ovulation comes, that's when my energy rises. And so that can start around day number 14, up until day number 24. It only lasts three to four days. So I need to know ahead of time what content I'm going to be creating. [00:10:57] Cara: When I can maybe hang out with some friends.[00:11:00] What tasks around the house need to be done, because this is when I have energy to really put that effort in. this is a big, important piece of why I create my content around this time is because I have more confidence. The fall or the luteal is broken down into two parts. The first part is what I can achieve so much in the work I do. [00:11:19] Cara: It can start around day number 17 and last until day number 35. I want to get everything organized, so I'm not overwhelmed right before my period. And during my period. I can get clear what isn't serving me and I need to let it go. The second part is where I'm emotionally vulnerable. So I take a break of being influenced by social media. [00:11:40] Cara: This is an important time for me to listen to my body, listen to my emotions and take time for myself. When I do this, my inner knowing. And my intuition speaks so much wisdom into my life. [00:11:52] Cara: I feel like I work less and have more impact when I leave. Time to process these [00:12:00] things. [00:12:00] Cara: And lastly we have winter or menstruation. It is the time you bleed. So it starts on the first day of your bleed. I know life must go on during this time, but I leave plenty of room for rest during this time. I review my home and work life so that I can get clear on my intentions when spring comes. [00:12:19] Cara: That way I'm ready to start strategizing. I avoid making plans if I can, during this time. Because when I do my body tends to shut down, I tend to get, be more exhausted. I tend to have a lot less energy and. [00:12:33] Cara: I avoid making plans if I can during this time, because when I do too much, my body tells me I'm doing too much. And so I don't like to push through past this point because that's what I'm left in depletion. And I burn out so quickly from my tasks. [00:12:49] Cara: Understanding your cycle as a woman is truly important. And it's wisdom that I think every woman should understand this isn't woo. This is your body. And so [00:13:00] taking time to check in with your energy and what you're going through each day is really important because a lot of us tend to push our. Bodies past what they're really capable of doing. [00:13:09] Cara: And so many people and straight to burnout have health issues and the list goes on. So begin this beautiful relationship with understanding how your body operates. [00:13:21] Astrology --- [00:13:21] Cara: The last thing I'm just going to touch quickly on is exploring astrology. I like to talk about it on the very, very top layer of it. And I leave the intense information to. The people around me that I trust. Astrology is a system that uses the position of the planets. [00:13:39] Cara: And other celestial bodies to reveal information to us about our personalities, life paths and soul purpose. I use astrology to help me understand the energy coming up so that I can plan accordingly. I use the different Zodiac signs and what they're doing in the sun sign to help determine what type of content I'm [00:14:00] making. [00:14:00] Cara: I use the full moon and the new moon to help build my manifestations. So using astrology is a personal subjective. Process, and I love it so much and I hope to have more guests on about it. So you can get into the nitty gritty. Your Naval chart reveals your sun, sign, your moon sign, rising sign, and other key aspects. [00:14:23] Cara: So by exploring your astrology, you can gain deeper insight to your unique strengths, challenges, and desires, and it does help you align with your soul's purpose. I use my astrology chart as a problem-solver. So if I'm having a difficult area in my life, I tend to look at that house and my natal chart and seeing what's influencing it. I do have a free astrology cheat, cheat. That is very basic. That helps you just understand the planets, the placements, the houses in the Zodiac signs. [00:14:55] Cara: So I'll have all those links in the show notes. [00:14:57] Cara: If you want to learn more about using your [00:15:00] cycle, I have free and paid resources Please check this out because this is something that will be life-changing. And understanding how your energy rises. And lowers throughout your cycle. [00:15:15] Cara: Coming to home to yourself as a journey that requires self knowledge, self compassion, and self alignment. So by using tools like human design cycle, vitality and astrology, you can gain deeper insight into your true nature and align yourself with your soul desires. So take the time to explore these tools, trust your intuition, and remember that you are worthy of living a life that is in alignment with your deepest desires. [00:15:42] Cara: Thank you so much for joining me this week. If this is your first time. Welcome. And if you've joined me for previous episodes, thank you so much for coming back. [00:15:51] Cara: Before you go, don't forget to subscribe. I have some amazing interviews with some healing practitioners to teach you all about these tools. [00:16:00] If you found this episode helpful, don't forget to like and share with a friend. [00:16:04] Cara: Those few seconds make a huge impact on my show. And I'd be grateful for the support. If you want to learn more, check the show notes and all the links mentioned Thanks for being here and we'll chat soon.
Floductivity Podcast Episode

Are you ready to unlock your intuition and reach new heights of self-awareness and personal growth? 

Welcome to Floductivity, the show where we explore the intersection of self-development, spirituality, and self-care.

Each week, we bring you insightful interviews with experts in these fields, as well as solo episodes where we dive deep into topics like meditation, energy work, intuitive development, and how to bring wellness into your everyday life. Whether you're new to these practices or a seasoned pro, our podcast is the perfect place to elevate your intuition and connect with like-minded individuals.


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