Discover Wholeness and Healing with Inner Child Meditation: A Powerful Guided Journey
In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to overlook the importance of nurturing our inner child—the innocent, playful, and vulnerable part of ourselves that holds our deepest emotions and experiences. Inner child healing meditation is a powerful practice that can help us reconnect with this neglected aspect and embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery, self-acceptance, and personal growth.
Healing Your Inner Child for a Stronger Connection with Your Children with Tina Hamilton
Discover the profound impact of the inner child and its role in shaping our present lives. The concept of the inner child refers to the part of ourselves that formed during our early years, influenced by our caregivers and the experiences we had. Memories, emotions, and beliefs associated with these formative years are stored within our inner child, often carrying unresolved wounds and traumas.
New Moon in Aries Meditation | #1
Today, this meditation is going to help us assess our needs and desires and bring them to life. You may use this meditation, however, feels best for you. My goal in meditations is to encourage you to take this practice in a way that serves you. If you’re walking while listening, that’s perfect cooking or sitting in silence. That’s perfect too. If you want to grab your journal during or after, that’s a great way to help bring this new energy to light. I hope you enjoy.