My Weightloss Journey + Tips for Cyclical Nutrition and Movement

My Weightloss Journey + Tips for Cyclical Nutrition and Movement Blog

We often talk about how important it is to nourish our bodies, but what does that actually look like? In this blog post, I’ll discuss the importance of cycle nutrition and workouts. Our cycles are intelligent, and we are meant to work with them in order to nourish our bodies in the best way possible. This means understanding the phases within our cycles and adjusting our nutrition and workouts accordingly.

Cycle Planning For An Easeful And More Productive Life | #9

Floductivity Podcast Episode

Cycle planning has become something I use every day for a more easeful and productive life. I used to roll my eyes anytime a woman would mention planning around their period. Now I realize we have been led to believe the only way to be successful is to hustle our way to burnout. After burning out of my career of 19 years, I used my cycle as a tool to lead me back to a healthier way of living.