Floductivity Coaching | Feminine Intuitive Intelligence #26

Floductivity Coaching Feminine Intuitive Intelligence Blog Post

Floductivity is an empowering tool that can benefit successful women in many different ways. It is a realm free of pressure and power struggles that offers a unique perspective of spiritual guidance, intuitive cycle reconnection, and enriched productivity.

Unlocking Your Gifts With Human Design Foundations | #19

Unlocking your gifts with human design foundations Blog Post Podcast

In this episode, I break down what Human Design is, the foundations of Human Design, and what it may feel like if you aren’t living in your design. By unlocking and using your Human Design Chart, you can connect, understand and honor your soul while increasing harmony and success in your life.

Reconnecting to Your True Desires as a Generator in Human Design | Interview with Sara Beard #14

Reconnecting to your desires as a generator in human design

In this episode, I chat with my friend, Sara Beard about how she has reconnected to her desires by tapping into her mind, body, and spirit. I introduce her to the concept of being a Generator in Human Design. Sara recently had her own awakening on what she desires in life. It took a pandemic for her to quiet the world around her to finally listen to her soul. I deeply resonate with that myself and know others have had similar experiences.

Using Our Human Design For Self-Care | Interview with Cynthia Davidson | #8

Cynthia Davidson Interview

In this episode, we talk about self-care, or “sacred,” as Cynthia calls it. Taking time to do something for yourself, even if it is only five minutes, can positively manage our energy. When we take this time, it can heal us. Also, taking time to raise our vibration just by using a candle or essential oils can make a big difference.