The Best App To Make Budgeting Your Money Easier

I used to fear subscriptions until I found the best app that could make budgeting money easier. I was not too fond of the idea of having to pay for something continually. It feels like it was a contract I would be tied into for longer than I’d like. I didn’t like being reliant on something and having to pay monthly or yearly made me feel restricted. I never had an issue spending money on something once, but the idea of a recurring charge never sat well.  I began to change my mindset over the past year, focusing on money. The idea of a monthly or yearly membership has changed for me. Instead, I started to think of these services as an investment in myself, my family, or my new business venture. Self-investment is something I’ve become passionate about in my daily life. Please read about it in this blog post. If it saves me money or time, it’s worth it.  If it keeps me happy, healthy, or saves me money, it’s worth the cost I keep track of these subscriptions. Once they don’t help invest something of use for me, then I cancel them. Some have been for research, and some apps are utilized daily. Some have saved me thousands of dollars, while others give me a much-needed break. In this article, I am sharing my most valuable player in the subscription game. I have no affiliation with YNAB. However, I love what they have done for my life, and I want to share it with you. Maybe they will get wind of my appreciation…. This app has been the most significant change in the subscription world for me. Honestly, it was the app that eventually forced me into this world of subscriptions. I started with YNAB (You need a budget) back in 2014. Back then, I paid a one-time fee and had the app forever. Unfortunately, my husband is the type that wanted to run when I brought up budgeting. In his mind, he thought we weren’t going to do anything fun on this so-called budget. YNAB is a budgeting app that makes budgeting your money easier that is based on giving every penny a job The most significant reason I love this app is that my paycheck fluctuated every pay period when I was making only commission. Some weeks clients would cancel at the last minute, but the bills always stayed the same. This way of budgeting allows me to put my essential bills in first. Then, if there is any money left over, you can budget wherever you like. If you overspend on eating out, you can move money from another category. It keeps you accountable for your spending. This concept allows you to make categories like monthly bills, yearly bills, everyday expenses, rainy day funds, and saving goals. Think of the envelope method but in an app form. So when your car has issues, you have a category to plan for that. Not needing to scrape money to pay for it takes so much pressure off. It also allows you not to rack up the credit card. When you want a new tv, you can put just a little bit of money each month into that category. Before you know it, you got that new TV on the wall. You can start saving for Christmas in the summer, so you aren’t stressing about the spending come December. Honestly it has changed my mindset towards money and I look forward to budgeting We paid down over $50,000 in student loans in just a couple of years while still living comfortably. My husband and I had just relocated. I was not making the income I had been used to in the previous years. His income did increase, but we were still not making what we were before we moved. We still went on vacations, ate out, and bought things that might have been considered unnecessary.  Just like anything you start to build, it takes time. When we started back in 2014, our primary goal was to pay my husband’s student debt. We used most of our savings towards this debt. We had a pretty small emergency fund, and any extra money went to the student loans. We made a plan, and we stuck to it. This is more than a budgeting app, YNAB teaches budgeting as a part of your subscription YNAB has so many free resources to teach you how to manage your own money well. They have interactive classes, on-demand videos to teach you, and customer service that is always super helpful. Keep in mind this app is beneficial for you to budget your money. This concept lets you stay in control of your money. I tried a few other options, but I have found YNAB to be the best app to make budgeting your money easier. However, it only works if you show up to do it. After we paid the student debt off, we then built our emergency fund. From there, we added little by little to each category to help whenever that rainy day came. So when that annual fee comes up, we have it ready. If you have a bill that can save you money by paying quarterly or annually, you can set it up for smaller increments. In 2019 they upgraded their system and launched a more interactive app that had an annual subscription. We could still keep the classic version, but I stayed firm for about six months after this upgrade. Finally, I decided to give the free trial a whirl to see if it was worth the yearly subscription. I didn’t think it was going to be that big of a difference to switch. I should have known better.  They know what they are doing to help us become financially better off Their classic version could help find the difference between missing money, and I still had issues matching up balances. Even if it was only a