Inspiration Unleashed: Top 5 Books For Spiritual Awakening and Creative Evolution for 2023

Inspiration Unleashed Top 5 Books Fostering Spiritual Awakening and Creative Evolution for 2023



Embark on a Journey of Transformation

Welcome to Inspiration Unleashed. Here, I dive deep into a world of enlightenment and creativity, unveiling a collection of books that stand as guiding beacons for spiritual awakening and creative evolution in 2023.

The Transformative Power of Literature

Literature holds a unique power—a transformative force that can awaken dormant spirits, ignite creative fires, and shape the course of our evolution. In this episode, we explore the profound impact of five remarkable books that transcend mere pages, touching the soul and illuminating the path toward personal growth.

Featured Books:

The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron: A timeless guide for unlocking creativity, unearthing passions, and navigating the artistic journey with grace and authenticity.

The Creative Act by Rick Rubin: Offering insights from renowned producer Rick Rubin, this book delves into the essence of creativity, exploring the process of making art and embracing the creative flow.

The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho: A literary masterpiece guiding us through a journey of self-discovery, personal legend, and the pursuit of one's dreams—a narrative that resonates deeply with seekers of all ages.

Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert: Elizabeth Gilbert invites readers into a world of creative living, dismantling fear, and encouraging a life guided by curiosity rather than fear.

The Inner Work Book by Matthew Micheletti & Ashley Cottrell: This workbook acts as a companion on your inner journey, providing tools and practices for deep introspection and spiritual growth.

Sparking Inspiration and Igniting Creativity

Each of these books holds the potential to spark inspiration, fuel creativity, and provoke profound introspection. They are not merely literary works but gateways to realms of possibility, encouraging readers to explore the depths of their being and unleash their untapped potential.

Tune In and Unleash Your Creative Potential

Join us in this episode, delve into these literary gems, and unlock a wave of inspiration that will propel your personal and creative growth throughout the year ahead. Let's embrace 2023 with open hearts and awakened spirits, ready to evolve creatively and spiritually.

Embrace the Journey

As we immerse ourselves in the wisdom and insights offered by these books, let's remember that the true essence lies not just in reading but in embodying their teachings. May these literary companions be your guides on the journey of self-discovery, leading you toward a year filled with profound growth, creativity, and spiritual awakening.

Episode Resources:


NOTE: This podcast was transcribed by an AI tool. Please forgive any typos or errors. Podcast Books of 2023 === [00:00:00] Cara: Because there's an endless amount of data available to us and we have limited bandwidth to conserve. We might consider carefully curating the quality of what we allow in. This doesn't just apply. If your goal is to make art of lasting significance. Even if your goal is to make fast food, it will likely taste better. [00:00:20] Cara: If you experienced the best fresh food available to you during the process level up your taste. [00:00:27] Cara: \ [00:00:27] Cara: The objective is not to learn to mimic greatness, but to calibrate our internal meter for greatness. So we can better make thousands of choices that might ultimately lead to our own great work. [00:00:41] Cara: Since a lot of what this podcast was built on with self development. I'm going to be doing my favorite books that I've read at during 2023. And there may be some books that were prior to that, but I think I'm going to make this a yearly episode. We'll wait and find out. But ultimately my plan is to [00:01:00] record my initial reaction after reading a book throughout the year. [00:01:04] Cara: So you'll probably see me looking different. If you're watching this on YouTube. And sounded different because they're going to be taken at different times. But this episode, this is going to be going off of my memory from books, because I am recording this in December and I'm launching this in December. [00:01:21] Cara: So that quote that I opened up this episode with is from the creative act, a way of being, and it's my current reading. Of right now. And I am going to add this into today's episode. But also know that I'm not through it. It's something that I'm actually experiencing. And I'll get into that. Um, more as the episode goes on, going to give you my top five books that have helped me in this creative process of coming home to myself. [00:01:52] Cara: thanks for being here and I can't wait to dive in. [00:01:54] Cara: Welcome to Float Activity, the podcast that guides you on a transformative journey [00:02:00] towards spiritual wisdom, self development, and healing practices, all aimed at elevating your intuition and aligning you with your soul's purpose. I'm your host, Cara Dempsey, and I'm thrilled to have you joining me today as we learn together. [00:02:16] The Artist's Way --- [00:02:16] Cara: The first book I'm going to talk about was really life-changing for me. This last summer, I was really trying to come home to who I am. What do I want in life? I have this opportunity to start over, which is scary and exciting and all these different feelings come up around this time of my life. So if you're new here. Hi, I'm Cara I was a hairstylist for 19 years and during the pandemic, I ultimately had a spiritual awakening that led me to. Listen to my visions, listen to my gut feelings, learn how I operate energetically. A lot of what I've been doing is. Trying to enjoy the moments.[00:03:00] Um, someone that was planning their next vacation while on their current vacation. And I've been trying to recondition myself into enjoy the process. And I think this has been a catalyst in. Going after my dreams. And this last summer, [00:03:17] Cara: I found myself in this pattern, not recognizing how far I've come and connecting with those dreams and goals that I set out that I truly wanted when I left my career. [00:03:29] Cara: And so when I became a certified life coach, I was getting frustrated. In not being able to have childcare over the summer. [00:03:39] Cara: And then I realized a lot of why I was leaving my job as a hairstylist was because I wanted to be able to be present with my kids when they were off of school. so I decided to take a step back and say like, universe, if I'm supposed to have childcare, please show it to me. And instead I was shown. This book, [00:04:00] the artist's way. I was asked to be a part of the spiritual integration group. [00:04:04] Cara: And I took that as a sign. It's more inward. Findings of who I am and what I want in life and how I can bring it forward. [00:04:15] Cara: And the synchronicities between reading the artist's way and the spiritual integral. The spiritual integration group, just, it just felt like, oh, this is exactly where I'm supposed to be. And so what this book really is, it's a 12 week course. So this isn't something that you're just going to like, want to pick up and start to finish. I devoted my whole summer to it. Now. Someone had told me, you know, there's different things that you're supposed to do daily, weekly through this. And don't put that pressure on yourself to have to check all the boxes as someone who tries to go after their goals [00:04:54] Cara: [00:04:54] Cara: I can't tell you how many times where I've. Overextended myself, [00:05:00] because I've been trying to check all the boxes that is not what is meant for this book at all. [00:05:05] Cara: So show up as you can. Not how you think you should. [00:05:10] Cara: So, what is this book? Exactly? The artist's way by Julia Cameron. Is a spiritual path to higher creativity. This is a classic course in discovering and recovering your creative self. I strongly urge anyone to read this. ' even if you were a CEO, In a business. Having some sort of connection with your creative self is really important to connect with your inner being your intuition. That, when you're doing these things, when you're working towards these goals, [00:05:44] Cara: Just having that connection with yourself is really important. [00:05:47] Cara: And this really helped connect with my intuition. And figure out what I truly want in life. [00:05:54] Cara: So each week there is a different chapter to read there's different, [00:06:00] tasks to be done. Addition to that. You're supposed to write three pages daily. Stream of consciousness. Like don't even judge think whatever you're writing. Right. [00:06:11] Cara: And then you're also supposed to have a weekly artist date. [00:06:15] Cara: Don't take this too seriously. There is days where I barely did a paragraph. There was days that I did, you know, many, many pages. There was weekly dates where I spent the whole day with myself. And then there was my weekly date that I only spent five minutes with myself. So it's allowing yourself to show up exactly as you are and not expecting that you should be a certain way. [00:06:41] Cara: There are going to be weeks where it's profound. And then there's going to be weeks where you expect more. And that is the purpose of showing yourself the creative path. That your creativity is nurtured. When you nurture yourself. When you. [00:06:59] Cara: Are [00:07:00] ready to put this effort, this insight into yourself. It's an investment into who you are as a person. [00:07:07] Cara: The morning pages was the biggest factor in all of this. It's allowing yourself to just put on paper, what you're feeling, what you're wanting, what are your desires the fact that you show up every day and listen, some really profound things will come out. I ultimately thought I would continue with the morning pages because it was so profound, but of course, you know, things get ahead and then it filters itself out. But I make sure that I have the practice of spending five to 10 minutes, allowing myself to connect with that. Inner voice. [00:07:46] Cara: That's trying to come out. [00:07:47] Cara: So that could be meditation that could be talking things out. So I'm still having that practice of allowing. These thoughts, these feelings to come out and I've found that [00:08:00] when I have a strong emotion, anger, or frustration, When I give myself time to sit with it and allow it and recognize it. And the awareness of it. [00:08:13] Cara: I bounce back quicker. It's like when we let that frustration stay in our minds and it's just on loop. So having that practice with myself has been life-changing. Because it flows through me. And someone that specializes in energetics with my coaching. Emotions are energy. These things are energy. And so how can we energetically? Be connected with our desires, our goals and our dreams. And it's having that connection with it. If you're not going to read this book now, because I will say. It's a devotion. Don't do it until you're ready to devote that time to yourself, because I want you to see it through. I want you to go through the whole thing, because I want to say around. Week nine.[00:09:00] It gets a little tough. And that's around the time where you're like, I don't know if I can do this anymore. And I urge you to keep going, because it's a beautiful, insightful thing. [00:09:12] Cara: I found out more about myself this summer. Then I think I have my whole life. I have this beautiful opportunity to start again. It's scary. I'm still trying to figure it out. But how am I supposed to cultivate curate this life that I envision? If I'm not allowing myself. To feel the feelings and think the thoughts and go through this process of really figuring out who am I, what do I want? This book. It's going to do it for you. So, if you're looking to invest in yourself and you do not have much money to do that, This is it. Don't take a course. Don't do anything that is. Telling you how to do things. By someone else. Take this and make it your [00:10:00] own. This is truly how you come home to yourself and leave that space. That time for these emotions, these desires and these feelings to come through. So, if you are looking for something like that, And the artist's way by Julia Cameron. [00:10:16] Cara: Beautiful experience. [00:10:17] Cara: And if you haven't yet, I had a podcast episode. With Abigail. Over the summer. her and I were actually going through this book at the same time. And we were in this life of. I can't remember. I was listening to a podcast and it was talking about how. the theme of 2023. And I think a lot of people were just. Internal reflective. this is the book that I truly think would have helped. [00:10:45] Cara: So many people process through that. Not feel like they're stuck. More feel like I'm gathering information on what I truly want. And then when it's time to take inspired action, 20, 24, is that you're to do that inspire to [00:11:00] action. This book will help you get clear on what that looks like for you. [00:11:03] Cara: I'm hoping that I actually do this. Every year, because it was that insightful, like every summer. Coming home to yourself. Let's do this. So if you're someone that's like, okay, I want to do it. Maybe in may, I'll put out an email to my email list of like, let's have this little group together. And work on our. Higher creativity together. [00:11:26] The Creative Act --- [00:11:26] Cara: Next up on the list is the creative act a way of being. I'm going to be honest with you. I feel like I'm cheating a little bit because I'm really. I'm really not far in this book. But. [00:11:38] Cara: Anytime I've needed a message. Into where I'm at. I swear, every time I opened this book, it is supporting me exactly where I'm at. I'm going to be upfront and honest. I am actually a Kindle reader and you can see that. My first two books I'm suggesting are actually paperback. and hardcover. This one. You need to have in your [00:12:00] hands. [00:12:00] Cara: This one. it's a book that you can just pick up and open a page and trust that the message that is meant for you. Isn't here. [00:12:08] Cara: I was trying to do that with the course of miracles. And it's just a little overwhelming. There's just like so much to it. Like this is digestible. This feels like it kind of speaks to your soul. And it's like, what is the message? If you're someone that's like, What is my message today? You can open it. [00:12:25] Cara: Any role. Is worth testing. Be it conscious or unconscious. Challenge your assumptions and methods, you might find a better way. And even if it's not better, you'll learn from the experience. All of these experiments are like free throws. You have nothing to lose. Well, yes, that's exactly what I needed to hear today. [00:12:46] Cara: And I just opened the page live with you guys right here. what is this book? Exactly. It's just a piece of art. It's very small little chapters that can't even really call them chapters. It's [00:13:00] something that when I really want to ground into my day, I want it to have some luxury with my coffee. [00:13:07] Cara: This is the book I pick up. I sit. It allows me to be with myself. There's always something insightful that comes from it. [00:13:15] Cara: I honestly, when I first heard about it was like, well, I already did the artist way. I don't need to do another art book. Another creative book. And that's something that I've found. That even as a hairstylist, I never called myself an artist. I really fought that idea of this is. Who I am. the artist's way was the first one that kind of like opened the flood gates of like, oh no, we're all artists, every single person is. Has this. Artistic. Portion of them. It just depends on what they do with it. What they cultivate with it. this one is more in the like artist's mindset a little bit, but I still think the lessons are for everyone, not just artists. So, if you're looking for a coffee table [00:14:00] book, if you're looking for something that you can just flip, open and read a page. It's something that you just take a piece here and I take a piece there and as someone that likes to like read a book and like check it off their list. This is very different than what I'm used to, but it's been very nourishing. [00:14:17] Cara: It truly is. [00:14:18] Cara: Something that I think can help anyone in the process. Of where they're at. It connects you with now. It connects you with yourself. And when you're trying to cultivate these dreams and these goals. [00:14:31] Cara: You got to come back to yourself first. [00:14:33] Cara: It's a way of being. [00:14:34] The Alchemist --- [00:14:34] Cara: In my intuitive, holistic life coaching certification, there was a lot of requirements that I had to go through to actually become certified. And one of the things was reading a book off of this recommended book list. [00:14:48] Cara: Now I love reading about self-development, but I felt like I wanted to read something a little different than the normal self development book. [00:14:57] Cara: And so the next book I'm recommending is the [00:15:00] Alchemist and it is definitely a self-development book, but it's a story. It takes you on this journey. It was exactly what I needed to read during this course. [00:15:12] Cara: ~I'm actually going to read you the review because~ part of reading the book, I had to review it for the coaching program. [00:15:16] Cara: And so I will read the review to you about what I said, because again, it's going to give you more of that feeling that I got. Once I finished it. But the Alchemist is combining a magic mysticism wisdom and wonder into an inspiring tale of self discovery. [00:15:34] Cara: ~The Alchemist has become a modern classic selling millions of copies around the world and transforming the lives of countless readers across generations. ~ [00:15:34] Cara: So this masterpiece tells the mystical story of Santiago. A shepherd boy who yearns to travel in the search of a worldly treasure. [00:15:43] Cara: His quest will lead him to riches far different and far more satisfying. Then he ever imagined. His journey teaches us about the essential wisdom of listening to our hearts. Of recognizing the opportunity and learning to read the [00:16:00] omens Strohn along the life's path. And most importantly, to follow our dreams. [00:16:04] Cara: This is a book that I could see myself revisiting. [00:16:07] Cara: I truly, truly loved it. It was. [00:16:10] Cara: Something that just puts so much power into. Again, listening to that inner voice we have. And that is the one thing I urge anyone to do. Who's lost on their path. Invest into connecting with that, whatever that looks like for you. So here's the review of this book. I believe that books will support your journey will come to you at the right time. The outcome was exactly what I needed while I was going through the radiant course. Sometimes when we get in the mode of making things happen, we lose sight of the reason why. This book reconnected me to my soul's purpose and showed me that if the, why is strong enough. No obstacle will stand in my way. [00:16:51] Cara: [00:16:51] Cara: I've had many visions throughout my life, but I didn't understand what they mean. As Santiago walked me through his journey. It became clear that while the visions we [00:17:00] have may not make sense at the moment. If we follow them, our purpose will unfold. Divinely. So. [00:17:06] Cara: This is making me cry a little bit because. When I wrote, this feels very different than where I'm at right now, because. With these visions and these goals that I've been going after. [00:17:17] Cara: My visions haven't made sense. And I put them on the back burner and then they keep coming up. And so right now they're coming back up again. Our purpose will unfold divinely. So. [00:17:27] Cara: I've been picking up the pieces of my puzzle, not sure what the picture's going to look like. I still don't really know, but I truly believe if you invest in yourself, you invest in your intuition and you. Let your visions, your dreams, your desires come forth. You have a place that you're putting them. [00:17:46] Cara: Like you'll figure it out. And I haven't figured it out. But it's been a beautiful journey along the way. I wrote this review. almost a year ago and it brought me to tears. So. If that's not enough to get you to read it. I don't know what else will. This [00:18:00] might not be your cup of tea, but it truly was again, supportive exactly where I was in my journey. [00:18:05] Big Magic --- [00:18:05] Cara: The next book I technically read in 2022, it has been coming to the surface when I've been looking at my desires, my dreams and my visions. [00:18:15] Cara: Now, I don't remember the quote exactly in this book, She had said something that like, if you have this vision, the dream and you don't actually grab it. And try to turn it into something, someone else's going to do it. It's going to be someone else's, there's a whole story about it in this book. And so I come back to these dreams and these visions I've been working on for the last four years. [00:18:38] Cara: These dreams and visions have been something that. Catapulted me into leaving my career. [00:18:45] Cara: Of 19 years. Now there was other factors that wasn't the main factor. But I have these moments of if these dreams and visions. Our birth by someone else. Because I didn't take action on it. I would be [00:19:00] really sad. Like I could see myself on my death bed regretting not taking a chance. This book helped. [00:19:07] Cara: Show me that my visions, my desires are mine. And if I want them. It's up to me to make them come forth. [00:19:17] Cara: So this book. [00:19:18] Cara: She digs deeper into her process to share her wisdom, her perspective about creativity. And I think that's beautiful that. Everything. In this world, everybody has a different perspective, but when you can take pieces of someone else's journey, [00:19:34] Cara: And it helps support you where you're at. It's beautiful. me going through and reviewing these books. It's making me want to read this again because I read it almost two years ago and it still has this profound feeling. And this impact of it's helping me go after these visions, these dreams and these goals. [00:19:53] Cara: And I hope one day. I can stand on a stage or I can write a book and I can tell other people like, [00:20:00] again, if you have these desires, you have these visions. They're meant for you. But you have to take action. You have to be the one to get the momentum or someone else's going to take it. In this book, she. [00:20:11] Cara: Asks us to embrace our curiosity and let go of the needless suffering the victim part of it. Of like, oh, I can't do this. this is too big for me. she discusses the attitudes. So your approaches and like the habits that we need to. Take in our life. To be our most creative self. And I know a lot of these books I'm recommending are for the creative. again, I never felt like. Aye. [00:20:37] Cara: Considered myself, a creative, even as a hairdresser is crazy as that sounds. [00:20:42] Cara: So it's been this like deconditioning process of being like. Even if I didn't. [00:20:47] Cara: Work in a creative field. [00:20:49] Cara: I think it's truly important for us to have a connection with our creativity, whatever that looks like. And another story in this book that she talks about [00:21:00] is how. This woman. Just took herself on an ice skating date, weekly to connect with that. And that was that connection that she was looking for. So it doesn't mean you have to leave your career. To have this connection with your creativity. [00:21:16] Cara: How can you bring it into your daily, weekly, even monthly life? Elizabeth Gilbert just. [00:21:22] Cara: Encourage us to uncover these strange jewels that are hidden. Within each of us and that's it. It's like your creativity is different than mine. I encourage you to find yours. [00:21:34] Cara: Simply infuse creativity into your every day, even if it's just for a few seconds. [00:21:39] Inner Work Book --- [00:21:39] Cara: The last book I'm recommending is a little bit different. It is just been something that I keep referring back to. This is something that. You can read from front to back, but knowing that when there's wounds. Or there's inner work that needs to be done. [00:21:56] Cara: When we acknowledge it, we see the pattern that it's [00:22:00] creating and then we can actually take action to change that. [00:22:03] Cara: I think so many people would. [00:22:06] Cara: Catapult themselves towards their dreams, towards their desires, towards the things, holding them back. In those few steps. And so the inner workbook does exactly that. It talks about the different wounds. It talks about how it shows up in our life. And then it talks about how we can reframe it, recondition ourselves to move past it. [00:22:27] Cara: This book isn't going to be for everyone. [00:22:29] Cara: It's just someone who maybe is a coach or maybe wants to help other people healing on their path. I truly think those are the book is just a way that will bring insight on how these wounds may be showing themselves in our daily life. [00:22:45] Cara: Something that I've been toying around with is curating these retreats for these reality stars because their wounds are being shown on TV. I did a couple episodes. It kind of felt stuck. It's not feeling the [00:23:00] momentum that I want. So I am going to kind of come at it a different way. And I honestly feel like one of the quotes I just said from the creative act earlier in this episode, actually, Says that. [00:23:11] Cara: So. It's just showing that I still feel really passionate about. Helping people understand healing and how it can help them. But this inner workbook is supporting me in creating these things because it's helping me decode these wounds that are coming up for people it's helping me understand more. Hurt people hurt people. When you see their wounds, you can see why they're hurting people. [00:23:37] Cara: So if I can help create a few day retreat to help someone nurture these wounds. [00:23:43] Cara: Then I truly think that it's, you know, helping people on the healing path. if you're wanting something that's just going to help you understand people and their wounds better, then this is the book. This isn't something that you'll like. Again, it's probably something that you're going to refer to versus reading the front to back. [00:23:59] Cara: [00:24:00] it's been really helpful for where I'm at right now. [00:24:02] Cara: And that's what these books. Our here is when you're looking to. Find a resource that's going to help you right now. Here are some, these were just some of my favorite books. [00:24:12] Outro --- [00:24:12] Cara: I hope one of these books jumps out to you and you spend a little bit more time cultivating this self relationship because ultimately it's that self investment. It's that self in development and understanding. Who we are and what we really need in that season of our life. [00:24:31] Cara: Like I said, I think for 20, 24, I'm going to record my reviews right after I read them. [00:24:38] Cara: So you'll see me look a little different. If you're watching this on YouTube. [00:24:42] Cara: And just as we wrap up this episode, remember that hitting the light button, leaving a comment or sharing this content. You're not just supporting my channel. You're actively contributing to the flow of the seven universal laws together. [00:24:56] Cara: We're cultivating a vibrant flowing stream of wisdom and [00:25:00] positivity. So keep riding that cosmic current, keep sharing the love and until our next rendezvous. Stay true to your unique flow. See you in the next adventure. We'll chat soon. [00:25:11] Cara: As we wrap up this episode, remember that leaving a five star review subscribing or sharing this content. You're not supporting. You're not just supporting my podcast. You're actively contributing to the flow of the seven universal laws. Together, we're cultivating a vibrant flowing stream. Of wisdom and positivity. So keep. [00:25:32] Cara: So keep riding that cosmic current keeps sharing the love and until our next rendezvous stay true to your unique flow. [00:25:39] Cara: See you in the next adventure. If you want to learn more, check the show notes and all the links mentioned. At 95. We'll chat soon.
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